Storage of Spatial Data in Semantic Databases

The following is an abstract of the publication. The complete version is available from this server in ASCII and PostScript versions.

N. Rishe and Q. Li. ``Storage of Spatial Data in Semantic Databases.'' Proceeding of the Fourteenth ASME Int'l Conference on Computers in Engineering (Minneapolis, MN, September 11-14, 1994), 8pp.
            Storage of Spatial Data in Semantic Databases

         Naphtali Rishe                         Qiang Li

   School of Computer Science       Department of Computer Engineering
Florida International University          Santa Clara University
University Park, Miami, FL 33199          Santa Clara, CA 95053

ABSTRACT.  This paper describes how the semantic binary database model
[Rishe-92-DDS]  and  its  implementation [Rishe-91-FS] are extended to
represent spatial data: functions over multi-dimensional  space,  e.g.
the  ocean  temperature  as  a function of the four-dimensional space-
time. The implementation, utilizing  extended  linear  quad-trees,  is
compact in storage and allows efficient resolution of queries.