A Methodology and Tool for Top-down Relational Database Design. The following is an abstract of the publication. The complete version is available from this server in ASCII and PostScript versions.
N. Rishe. ``A Methodology and Tool for Top-down Relational Database Design.'' Data and Knowledge Engineering, 10 (1993) 259-291. Copyright (c) 1993

            A Methodology and Tool for Top-down Relational
                           Database Design

                           Naphtali Rishe

                     School of Computer Science
                  Florida International University
                  University Park, Miami, FL 33199

This paper presents a methodology for  logical  design  of  relational
schemas  and integrity constraints using semantic binary schemas. This
is  a  top-down  methodology.   In  this  methodology,  a   conceptual
description  of  an  enterprise  is  designed  using a semantic binary
model.  Then,  this  description  is  converted  into  the  relational
database design.