====this is a teaching website====

mainMenu6 CSS Dropdown Michael Robinson

2024 Fall Classes Aug 26th - Dec 7th

CGS 4854-U01 (84563) Websiteconmgmt Fall 2024 - In Person

Below Dates and Data COULD BE MODIFIED

Class Expectations

  • CGS3767 and COP3804 or COP3337 with a minimum grade of C.
  • Those who have less than a C in one of these classes will be dropped from the course during the first week of class.

  • 3 Credits, Core - Required
  • Co-requisites: None

FREE Tutoring In Person (PG6 #102) and Online

Certifications That Replace Some of Our Courses

Certifications That Will Get You Extra Credits in My Classes

Academic Misconduct

  Academic Honesty
  • Statement of Understanding between Professor and Student
    Every student must respect the right of all to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students must adhere to a standard of academic conduct, demonstrating respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University.
  • As a student taking this class:
    • I will not represent someone else's work as my own.
    • I will not cheat, nor will I aid in another's cheating.
    • I will be honest in my academic endeavors.
    • I understand that if I am found responsible for academic misconduct, I will be subject to the academic misconduct procedures and sanctions as outlined in the Student Handbook.
  • Failure to adhere to the guidelines stated above may result in one of the following:

  • Expulsion: Permanent separation of the student from the University, preventing readmission to the institution. This sanction shall be recorded on the student`s transcript.

  • Suspension: Temporary separation of the student from the University for a specific period of time. By taking this course, I promise to adhere to FIU's Student Code of Academic Integrity.

    For more details on the policies and procedures go to:
    Academic Misconduct.

Internet Where Are We Going......



  • Provide to all students the maximum support possible to make sure that all students achieve the best results in every one of my classes by, in addition to my office hours, offer the following additional FREE services.

  • Tutoring six (6) days a week (Monday thru Saturday)

  • Mentoring in and out of class

  • Internships, Jobs, Resumes, Interviews, Career fairs, Career help

  • Jobs at FIU as tutors and graders

  • Our School Scholarships Flit-Gap

  • FIU Scholarships FIU Internal and External

  • IT and Cyber Certifications guidance

  • Free Hands-on Hardaware Traning and other services

  • If you have any suggestions, for me, to help you better, please let me know

  • Attendance will be taken on face 2 face classes.
  • Only material that is taught in this class will be accepted.
  • Not everything I teach in this class is in the book.

 Simple Rules

Tools Required - FREE

Below Topics Could Be Modified

 Course Description:
  • The fundamentals of creating and maintaining a website.
  • Installation and maintenance of a web-server.
  • Techniques for building multimedia interactive web-pages.

  Expected Course Outcomes
  • Be familiar with JSP
  • Master Servlets
  • Master the design of basic web pages
  • Be familiar with the use of CSS 1 style sheets
  • Be familiar with the configuration of the Apache Web Server

  Projected Schedule (COULD BE MODIFIED)
  • Front End, Controller, Back End
  • HTML
  • CSS Inline - Internal - External
  • Controllers
  • PHP
  • mySQL Databases
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • Advanced HTML and Form Elements (AS TIME ALLOWS)
  • - Passing Variables Using the URL
  • - Passing Hidden Variables
  • - Contact US
  • - Pop Up Help
  • - Hovering localize Help
  • - Placeholders
  • - Leads
  • - Data Search, First, Next, Previous, Last

  Book NOT Required
  CGS4854 Web Design Notes
  by: Michael Robinson

Tools Required - FREE