.ORIG x3100 .STRINGZ "Simple Simon met a pieman," .STRINGZ "Going to the fair;" .STRINGZ "Says Simple Simon to the pieman," .STRINGZ "Let me taste your ware." .STRINGZ "Says the pieman to Simple Simon," .STRINGZ "Show me first your penny;" .STRINGZ "Says Simple Simon to the pieman," .STRINGZ "Indeed I have not any." .STRINGZ "Simple Simon went a-fishing," .STRINGZ "For to catch a whale;" .STRINGZ "All the water he had got," .STRINGZ "Was in his mother's pail." .STRINGZ "Simple Simon went to look" .STRINGZ "If plums grew on a thistle;" .STRINGZ "He pricked his fingers very much," .STRINGZ "Which made poor Simon whistle." .FILL x04 .END