COP 4710-U01 Database Management

Dr. Nagarajan Prabakar
Phone: 305-348-2033
Office: CASE-345

Office Hours: In-Person (Jan 6 - Apr 21)

Mon/Wed: 3:30-4:30pm, 6:30-7:30pm, 9:15-10:00pm

or by appointment

Catalog Description

Covers logical aspects of databases including Relational, Entity-Relationship, and Object-Oriented data models, database design, SQL, relational algebra, tuple calculus, domain calculus, and physical database organization.

Prerequisite:  COP 3337

Corequisite:  COP 3530

Detailed Syllabus (pdf file)

Course Outcomes

Course Modules

Important Information

Before starting this course, please review the following pages:

The professor reserves the right to change or modify the syllabus at any time during the semester.


Fundamentals of Database Systems

Elmasri and Navathe

Addison Wesley; 7th Edition; 2016

ISBN-10: 0-13-397077-9

ISBN-13: 9780133970777


16% quizzes

25% assignments

25% midterm exam (Monday, Mar 3rd 7:50-9:05pm)

25% final exam (Monday, Apr 21st 7:15-9:15pm)

9% class (poll) participation

Grading Scale after Curve
Letter Range%   Letter Range%   Letter Range%
A 95 or above   B 80 - 84   C 65 - 69
A- 90 - 94   B- 75 - 79   D 50 - 64
B+ 85 - 89   C+ 70 - 74   F 49 or less

Other Issues

I expect you to maintain a high level of academic integrity in this course.
Please read FIU's Code of Academic Integrity.
You are allowed to consult other books in solving assignment problems, or to discuss the problems with other students, but you must do the assignments on your own.

For each assignment, you must upload the soft copy of the assignment through Canvas before the deadline and submit a printed copy of the assignment along with the signed originality declaration, in class on the due date.

I will grant incomplete only in extreme circumstances, such as medical emergencies with proper documentation.

I expect you to attend zoom sessions regularly and promptly, and to participate in discussions. Feel free to ask questions -- if something is unclear to you, it is probably unclear to others as well.


John C. Comfort Lab (CASE 241)

PC workstations

For additional course information, please visit FIU-SCIS Online Course Support

Discussion Forums

Keep in mind that your discussion forum postings will likely be seen by other members of the course. Care should be taken when determining what to post.