COP 5725  Principles of Database Management Systems

Professor: Nagarajan Prabakar (naa-ga-raa-jan pra-baa-kar)

Phone: 305-348-2033     E-mail:    Office: ECS-382

Office Hours Information: Mon/Wed/Fri: 11:00am-noon, 7:30pm-8:30pm or by appointment

Catalog Description:

Overview of Database Systems, Relational Model, Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus; SQL; Database Applications; Storage and Indexing; Query Evaluation; Transaction Management. Selected database topics will also be discussed.

Course Objectives:

This course provides fundamental concepts of database systems along with query languages and normalization. Additionally, it introduces advanced topics including query optimization, concurrency, web queries, and data mining. Further, emerging concepts on big data such as NoSQL, cloud storage with distributed file systems, and processing using map-reduce and Spark will be explored.

Course Content:

Part I: Fundamental concepts of database systems

Overview of database systems and relational model

Relational algebra, SQL

Database design and normalization

Index, view, trigger, and stored procedure

Part II: Advanced topics of database systems

Query optimization

Concurrency, schedules, serializability, protocols

Data mining and data warehouse

Part III: Emerging topics of database systems

Big data and NoSQL systems

Distributed file systems, big data management


"Fundamentals of Database Systems" (7th Edition)
by Elmasri and Navathe
Pearson 2015 (ISBN: 0-13-397077-9)


20% quizzes

30% assignments

25% midterm exam

25% final exam

I will use the following relative grading scheme.

Both midterm and final exams will be held on campus and the date, time and venue will be informed through the course discussion forum.

Other Issues:

I expect you to maintain a high level of academic integrity in this course. Please read FIU's Code of Academic Integrity. You are allowed to consult other books in solving assignment problems, or to discuss the problems with other students, but you must write your assignment answers on your own.

I will grant incomplete only in extreme circumstances, such as medical emergencies with proper documentation.

I expect you to watch the lecture videos timely, and to participate in face-to-face/virtual meetings.

System: Graduate Lab (ECS 252)

Windows and Linux workstations

For additional course information, please visit FIU-SCIS Online Course Support