One of the texts for this class is the “Advanced
Programming in the UNIX® Environment”, Second Edition, by Stevens and
Rago . On the Web site of the book (
there is a compressed, "tarred", file of all the programming examples
in this text. Download the file ((click here to download the file) to
your Fedora virtual machine. Uncompress the file using the command gzip,
and look at the archive using the command tar with the options t
and f. Unpack the archive using tar and options v,x, and f.
Write a script to count the number of "c" programs unpacked
and output this number to Standard Output. A c program is
identified for this project as the contents of a file whose name terminates
with the characters .c
Now write two Bourne Shell script to do the following:
Compress the scripts written for this project into one zip
file and submit a softcopy to Moodle.
Note: No part of your program may be written in C, C++, JAVA or similar such