Florida International
School of Computing and
Information Sciences
S. Masoud Sadjadi’s Home Page
Catalog Description: Unix overview; files and directories, shell programming. Unix tools; sed, grep, and others. Unix internals;
file systems, process structure. Using the system call
interface. Interprocess communication.
4338 – Programming III.
4610 – Operating Systems Principles.
- UNIX Overview
- Introduction
- Concepts
- Files
- Filters
- Utility Programs
- Shells
- UNIX Programming
- Files
- Processes
- Threads
- Interprocess Communication
- Terminals
Course Outcomes:
- Understanding of the UNIX concepts.
- Understanding of the UNIX file system.
- Understanding of pipes, filters, and redirection.
- Understanding of the UNIX processes and threads.
- Understanding of the UNIX conventions and Regular
- Understanding of the UNIX Shell programming.
- Understanding of Interprocess
Required Text:
- UNIX for the Impatient. Abrahams & Larson, Second Edition,
Addison Wesley
- Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, Stevens, Addison
Other reading material: Resources.
Grading Policy:
- Exam 1: 10%.
- Exam 2: 10%.
- Exam 3: 10%.
- Final Exam: 30%.
- Class Attendance and Participation: 10%.
- Term Project: 30%.
- Extra Credits: Up to +10%.
Grading Standard: The grading scale is: A: 90 | A-:87 | B+:84 | B: 80 | B-:77 | C+:74 |
C: 70 | C-:65 | D+:60 | D: 55 | D-:50.
Note that a C- is not a C.
Attendance: Attendance
may be taken during each class meeting.
Last modified 5/18/2007