
 International University

School of Computing and Information Sciences

CIS-6612 Autonomic Grid Computing

Instructor: S. Masoud Sadjadi

Summer 2006

Course Schedule

Introductory Papers:

Data Grids:

Survey and Taxonomy Papers:

Autonomic Grid Computing Papers:

Classical Papers:

Grid Programming Models and Paradigms:

Grid Application Papers:

Web Services and Grid Services:

Globus Toolkit:


Link to HPC-2006 Presentations

Grid Workflow:

ˇ        Frank Leymann; Choreography for the Grid: towards fitting BPEL to the resource framework.

ˇ        Niels Joncheere et. al; Requirements for an Aspect Oriented Workflow system for Grid Services.

ˇ        Soonwook Hwang and Carl Kesselman. GridWorkflow: A Flexible Failure Handling Framework for the Grid, in the Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-12 '03), p. 126, 2003.

ˇ        Matthew Shields and Ian Taylor. Programming Scientific and Distributed Workflow with Triana Service

ˇ        Bertram Ludaescher Kepler; Towards a Grid-Enabled System for Scientific Workflows

ˇ        Andreas Hoheisel User Tools and Languages for Graph-based Grid Workflows

ˇ        Aleksander Slominski On Using BPEL Extensibility to Implement OGSI and WSRF Grid Workflows

ˇ        Presenter: Onyeka Ezenwoye

ˇ        Agnostic: Simon, Alejandro

ˇ        S. Ghandeharizadeh, E. Alwagait, and S. Manjunat;  Proteus RTI:  A Framework for On-the-fly Integration of

ˇ        Biomedical Web Services.  Second International Advanced Database Conference (IADC), June 2006.

ˇ        Thanh N. Truong; "An Integrated Web-based Grid-Computing Environment for Research and Education in Computational Science and Engineering," 37th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS'04), 2004.

ˇ        Wolfgang Emmerich et. al.; Grid Service Orchestration using BPEL

ˇ        Dieter Cybok; A Grid Workflow Infrastructure

ˇ        Jia Yu and Rajkumar Buyya; A Taxonomy of Scientific Workflow Systems for Grid Computing.

ˇ        Kassian Plankensteiner et. al.; Advanced Programming Models for Grid/Web: YAWL and BPEL.

ˇ        Andreas Duscher; An Execution Environment for Mathematical Services based on WSRF and WS-BPEL.

ˇ        Sriram Krishnan; GSFL: An OGSA Workflow Framework

ˇ        Dózsa et. al.; P-GRADE: a graphical environment to create and execute workflows in various Grids.

ˇ        Karen M. McCann et. al.; ScyFlow: An Environment for the Visual Specification and Execution of Scientific Workflows

ˇ        S. Ghandeharizadeh, E. Alwagait, and S. Manjunat.  Proteus RTI:  A Framework for On-the-fly Integration of Biomedical Web Services.  Second International Advanced Database Conference (IADC), June 2006.

ˇ        Proteus RTI

ˇ        Demos and Tutorials

ˇ        Other Publications

ˇ        The LEAD Project.

ˇ        Grid Service Orchestration using BPEL

ˇ        A Grid Workflow Infrastructure

ˇ        Chimera: Virtual Data System:

ˇ        Pegasus: Resource Scheduling:   


ˇ        4 aspects of WS-BPEL as a language for job flows:

ˇ                1) support of dynamicity -- Onyeka

ˇ                2) separation of concerns -- Masoud

ˇ                3) data flow -- Corina

ˇ                4) semantic richness -- Liana

o               1) control pattern in workflow  


o               2) evaulation of BPEL and other standards based on control pattern


o               3) paper on data pattern utilized in workflow and evaulation (section 2 as summary):


o               4) paper on resource paterm and interaction:


o               5) papers on BPEL and grid interactions:





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ˇ        Presenter: Trigoso,Fernando Antonio

ˇ        Agnostic: Chatterjee,Kasturi