International University
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Autonomic Grid Computing
S. Masoud Sadjadi
- The Vision of
Autonomic Computing, Jeffrey O. Kephart,
David M. Chess, IEEE Computer 36(1): 41-50 (2003).
- Steve R.
White, James E. Hanson, Ian Whalley, David M. Chess, and
Jeffrey O. Kephart. An architectural
approach to autonomic computing. In Proceedings
of the International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'04),
pages 2-9. IEEE Computer
Society, 2004.
- Research Challenges of Autonomic Computing.
Jeffrey O. Kephart, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, 19 Skyline
Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532, USA
- Presenter:
- Agnostic:
Juan Carlos Martinez
- Autonomic Computing: An Overview, M.
Parashar, and S. Hariri, UPP 2004, Mont Saint-Michel, France, Editors:
J.-P. Banâtre et al. LNCS, Springer Verlag, Vol. 3566, pp. 247 259,
- Presenter:
Simon, Alejandro
- Agnostic:
Cilli,Joseph M
- A Concise Introduction to Autonomic Computing,
R. Sterritt, M. Parashar, H. Tianfield and R. Unland, Journal of Advanced
Engineering Informatics, Engineering Applications of Artificial
Intelligence, Special Issue on Autonomic Computing and Automation,
Elsevier Publishers, 2005.
- Cilli,Joseph
- Michael
- The Anatomy of the Grid, Ian Foster,
Carl Kesselman, and Steven Tuecke, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
- Presenter:
Medam,Srilakshmi Reddy
- Agnostic:
King,Tariq Matthew
- Grid Computing: An Evolving Vision,
M. Parashar and C. Lee, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Grid
Computing, IEEE Press, Vol. 93, No. 3, March 2005.
- What is the Grid? A Three Point
Checklist. I.
Foster, GRIDToday, July 20, 2002. [PDF]
- Miguel
L. Bote-Lorenzo, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, and Eduardo G´omez-S´anchez.
"Grid Characteristics and Uses: a Grid Definition".
In the Proceedings of the first European Across Grid Conference, February
13-14, 2003.
- Grids:
Top Ten Questions. J.M. Schopf and B.
Nitzberg, Scientific Programming, special issue on Grid Computing, 10(2):103
- 111, August 2002. [PDF]
- Presenter: Allen Lee
- Agnostic: CARY,ARIEL
- Computational Grids., I. Foster, C. Kesselman. Chapter 2 of "The Grid:
Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure", Morgan-Kaufman, 1999. [Citation, PDF]
- The
Data Grid: Towards an Architecture for the Distributed Management and
Analysis of Large Scientific Datasets.
Chervenak, I. Foster, C. Kesselman, C. Salisbury, S. Tuecke. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 23:187-200, 2001 (based on conference
publication from Proceedings of NetStore Conference 1999). [Citation, PS, PDF]
- Chatterjee,Kasturi
- Selim
- N.
Paton, M. Atkinson, V. Dialani, D. Pearson, T. Storey, and P. Watson,
"Databases Access and Integration Services on the Grid."
UK e-Science Programme Technical Report UKeS-2002-03. National e-Science Centre.
- Presenter:
- Agnostic:
Trigoso,Fernando Antonio
and Taxonomy Papers:
- Philip
K. McKinley, S. M. Sadjadi, Eric P. Kasten, and Betty H. C. Cheng. Composing
adaptive software. IEEE Computer, pages 56-64, July
- Ana
- Onyeka
- Philip
K. McKinley, S. Masoud Sadjadi, Eric P. Kasten, and Betty H. C. Cheng. A
taxonomy of compositional adaptation. Technical Report MSU-CSE-04-17,
Department of Computer Science, Michigan State University, East Lansing,
Michigan, May 2004.
- An
Overview of Heterogeneous High Performance and Grid Computing, Jack
Dongarra and Alexey Lastovetsky, in Engineering the Grid, Edited by
Beniamino Di Martino, Jack Dongarra, Adolfy Hoisie, Laurence Yang, and
Hans Zima, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006.
Grid Computing Papers:
- Data
management on the fusion computational pipeline, S. Klasky, M.
Beck, V. Bhat, E. Feibush, B. Ludäscher, M. Parashar, A. Shoshani, D.
Silver and M. Vouk, Page(s): 510-520, Journal of Physics: Conference
Series 16 (2005), Publisher: IOP press, June 2005.
- Conceptual
and Implementation Models for the Grid, M. Parashar and J.C.
Browne, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Grid Computing, IEEE
Press, Vol. 93, No. 3, March 2005.
- Enabling
Autonomic Grid Applications: Requirements, Models and Infrastructures,
M. Parashar, Z. Li*, H. Liu*, V. Matossian* and C. Schmidt*, Self-Star
Properties in Complex Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer Verlag. Editors: O. Babaoglu, M. Jelasity, A. Montresor,
C. Fetzer, S. Leonardi, A. van Moorsel, and M. van Steen, Vol. 3460, 2005.
- M.
Parashar, H. Liu, Z. Li, V. Matossian, C. Schmidth, G. Zhang, and S.
Hariri, AutoMate: Enabling Autonomic Applications on the Grid,,
Cluster Computing: The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and
Applications, Special Issue on Autonomic Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2005,
Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Presenter:
Khalid Saleem
- Agnostic:
Fernando Farfan
- GridARM:
An Autonomic Runtime Management Framework for SAMR Applications in Grid
Environments, S. Chandra*, M. Parashar and S. Hariri, New Frontiers in High-Performance
Computing, Proceedings of the
Autonomic Applications Workshop 10th International Conference on
High Performance Computing (HiPC 2003), Hyderabad, India, Elite
Publishing, pp 286 295, December 2003.
- Enabling
Peer-to-Peer Interactions for Scientific Applications on the Grid,
V. Matossian* and M. Parashar, Proceedings of the 9th International
Euro-Par Conference (Euro-Par 2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Editors: H. Kosch, L. Boszormenyi,
H. Hellwagner, Springer-Verlag, Klagenfurt, Austria, Vol. 2790, pp 1240
1247, August 2003.
- Presenter:
Selim Kalayci
- Agnostic:
Medam,Srilakshmi Reddy
- OptimalGrid
-- autonomic computing on the Grid. James Kaufman, Tobin Lehman, Glenn
Deen, and John Thomas. OptimalGrid researcher, IBM, Online Article, 2003.
- Self
Adaptivity in Grid Computing Sathish Vadhiyar and Jack Dongarra,
Concurrrency and Computation: Practice and Experence, Volume 17, Issue
2-4, pp. 235-257, Special Issue: Grid Performance. Issue Edited by John
Gurd, Tony Hey, Juri Papay, Graham Riley, 2005.
- J.
Gehring and A. Reinefeld. MARS
- A Framework for Minimizing the Job Execution Time in a Metacomputing
Environment. Future Generation Computer Systems, 12(1):87-99, 1996.
- S.
Zhou, X. Zheng, J. Wang, and P. Delisle. Utopia:
a Load Sharing Facility for Large, Heterogeneous Distributed Computer
Systems. Software Practice and Experience, 23(12):1305-1336,
December 1993.
- M.
Litzkow, M. Livney, and M. Mutka. Condor
- a Hunter for Idle Workstations. Proc. 8th Intl. Conf. on
Distributed Computing Systems, pages 104-111, 1988.
- G.
Allen, D. Angulo, I. Foster, G. Lanfermann, C. Liu, T. Radke, Ed Seidel,
and J. Shalf. The
Cactus Worm: Experiments with Dynamic Resource Discovery and Allocation in
a Grid Environment. The International Journal of High Performance
Computing Applications, 15(4):345-358, 2001.
- Managing Multiple Communication
Methods in High-Performance Networked Computing Systems. I. Foster, J. Geisler, C.
Kesselman, S. Tuecke. J.
Parallel and Distributed Computing, 40:35-48, 1997.
- Wide-Area
Implementation of the Message Passing Interface. I. Foster, J.
Geisler, W. Gropp, N. Karonis, E. Lusk, G. Thiruvathukal, S. Tuecke,
Parallel Computing, 24(12):1735-1749, 1998.
Programming Models and Paradigms:
- Rosa
M. Badia, Jesús Labarta, Raül Sirvent, Josep M. Pérez, José M. Cela and
Rogeli Grima, Programming
Grid Applications with GRID Superscalar, Journal of Grid
Computing, Volume 1, Issue 2, 2003.
- Presenter:
Juan Carlos Martinez
- Agnostic:
- C.
Lee and D. Talia. "Grid programming models: Current tools, issues, and directions.",
In Grid Computing: Making The Global Infrastructure a Reality, F. Berman,
A. Hey, and G. Fox, editors, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
- Presenter:
Cameron,Tuan L
- Agnostic:
Khalid Saleem
- C.
Lee, S. Matsuoka, D. Talia, A. Sussman, M. Mueller, G. Allen, and J.
Saltz. A Grid Programming Primer. APM/APS.htm, submitted to the Global Grid
Forum, August 2001.
- D.
Skillicorn and D. Talia. Models and languages for parallel computation.
ACM Computing Surveys, 30(2), June 1998.
- Presenter:
Ramakrishna Varadarajan
- Agnostic:
- I.
Foster and N. T. Karonis. A grid-enabled MPI: Message passing in heterogeneous
distributed computing systems. In Supercomputing. IEEE,
November 1998.
- S.
Booth and E. Mourao. Single sided MPI implementations for SUN MPI.
In SC2000: High Performance Networking and Computing Conf. ACM/IEEE, 2000.
- H.
Nakada, S. Matsuoka, K. Seymour, J. Dongarra, C. Lee, and H. Casanova. GridRPC: A Remote
Procedure Call API for Grid Computing. Technical report, Univ. of
Tennesse, June 2002. ICL-UT-02-06.
- L.
Smith and M. Bull. Development of mixed mode mpi/openmp applications.
In WOMPAT, 2000.
- M.
Sato, M. Hirono, Y. Tanaka, and S. Sekiguchi. OmniRPC: A Grid RPC Facility for Cluster and
Global Computing in OpenMP. In WOMPAT, LNCS 2104, pages 130136.
Springer-Verlag, 2001.
- B.
Carpenter et al. MPJ: MPI-like Message-passing for Java.
Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 12(11):10191038, 2000.
Application Papers:
- Biological Sequence Alignment
on the Computational Grid Using the Grads Framework A. Yarkhan and J. Dongarra, Future Generation Computer
Systems, Volume 21, Issue 6, pp 980-986, June 2005.
- M.
Cannataro, C. Comito, F. Lo Schiavo, and P. Veltri. PROTEUS: a Grid Based
Problem Solving Environment for Bionformatics. In ISBN 0-9734039-0-X, editor, Workshop on
DataMining Ontology for Grid Programming (KGGI 03), Halifax-canada, 2003.
- Presenter:
- Agnostic:
- Mario Cannataro, Carmela Comito,
Pierangelo Veltri: Using Ontologies in PROTEUS,
a Grid-Based Problem Solving Environment for Bioinformatics. SEBD 2004: 434-441.
- Secure Information Sharing and Information Retrieval.
Infrastructure with GridIR, Dr. Gregory B. Newby1 Kevin Gamiel, MCNC
- Autonomic Web-Based Simulation.
Yingping Huang and Gregory Madey
- Presenter:
King,Tariq Matthew
- Agnostic:
Cameron,Tuan L
- Community Software Development with the Astrophysics
Simulation Collaboratory. Gregor von Laszewski, Michael
Russell, Ian Foster, John Shalf, Gabrielle Allen, Greg Daues, Jason
Novotny, Edward Seidel
- Presenter:
- Agnostic:
- A Case for Economy Grid Architecture for Service
Oriented Grid Computing. Rajkumar Buyya, David Abramson,
and Jonathan Giddy
- Presenter:
Lopez,Diego Javier
- Agnostic:
- Hurricane
Mitigation Applications in HPC2006 Workshop
- Pete
Beckman, Urgent Computing: The Future of Emergency Computation
and Shared Grid Resources, in which the SPRUCE project was presented.
- Ian
Foster, The GriphyN Virtual Data System, in
which the FOAM (First Ocean Atmosphere Model) project
was presented.
- Denis
Gannon, Science Portals for Grid Applications,
in which the LEAD project was presented.
Web Services
and Grid Services:
- HAND: Highly Available Dynamic
Deployment Infrastructure for Globus Toolkit 4. L. Qi, H. Jin, I. Foster, J. Gawor.
Submitted for Publication, 2006. [Citation, PDF]
- State and Events for Web Services: A
Comparison of Five WS-Resource Framework and WS-Notification
Implementations. M. Humphrey, G. Wasson, K. Jackson,
J. Boverhof, M. Rodriguez, Joe Bester, J. Gawor, S. Lang, I. Foster, S.
Meder, S. Pickles, and M. McKeown, 4th IEEE International Symposium on
High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-14), Research Triangle Park,
NC, 24-27 July 2005. [Citation, PDF]
- The Open Grid Services Architecture,
Version 1.0. I. Foster, H. Kishimoto, A. Savva,
D. Berry, A. Djaoui, A. Grimshaw, B. Horn, F. Maciel, F. Siebenlist, R.
Subramaniam, J. Treadwell, J. Von Reich. Informational Document, Global
Grid Forum (GGF), January 29, 2005.
- This document provides information to
the community regarding the specification of the Open Grid Services
Architecture (OGSA). It does not define any standards or technical
recommendations. [Citation, PDF]
- Open Grid Services Architecture Use
Cases. I. Foster, D. Gannon, H. Kishimoto, J. Von
Reich. Information Document, Global Grid Forum (GGF), October 28, 2004. [Citation, PDF]
- Modeling Stateful Resources with Web
Services v. 1.1. I.
Foster (ed), J. Frey (ed), S. Graham (ed), S. Tuecke (ed), K. Czajkowski,
D. Ferguson, F. Leymann, M. Nally, I. Sedukhin, D. Snelling, T. Storey, W.
Vambenepe, S. Weerawarana, March 5, 2004. [Citation, PDF]
- The WS-Resource Framework. K. Czajkowski, D. F. Ferguson, I. Foster, J. Frey, S. Graham, I.
Sedukhin, D. Snelling, S. Tuecke, W. Vambenepe. March 5, 2004. [Citation, PDF]
- From Open Grid Services
Infrastructure to WS-Resource Framework: Refactoring & Evolution. K. Czajkowski, D. Ferguson, I. Foster, J.
Frey, S. Graham, T. Maguire, D. Snelling, S. Tuecke. March 5, 2004. [Citation, PDF]
- Publish-Subscribe Notification for
Web services. S. Graham (ed), P. Niblett (ed), D.
Chappell, A. Lewis, N. Nagaratnam, J. Parikh, S. Patil, S. Samdarshi, I.
Sedukhin, D. Snelling, S. Tuecke, W. Vambenepe, B. Weihl, March 5, 2004. [Citation, PDF]
- Open Grid Services Infrastructure
(OGSI) Version 1.0.
S. Tuecke, K. Czajkowski, I. Foster, J. Frey, S. Graham, C. Kesselman, T.
Maguire, T. Sandholm, P. Vanderbilt, D. Snelling; Global Grid Forum Draft
Recommendation, 6/27/2003. [Citation, PDF]
- Grid Services for Distributed System
Integration. I. Foster, C. Kesselman, J. Nick, S. Tuecke. Computer, 35(6), 2002. [Citation, PDF]
- The Physiology of the Grid: An Open
Grid Services Architecture for Distributed Systems Integration. I. Foster, C. Kesselman, J. Nick, S.
Tuecke, Open Grid Service Infrastructure WG, Global Grid Forum, June 22,
2002. (extended version of Grid Services for
Distributed System Integration) [Citation, PDF]
- Globus Toolkit Version 4: Software
for Service-Oriented Systems. I. Foster. IFIP International
Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Springer-Verlag LNCS
3779, pp 2-13, 2005. This paper is an excellent introduction to the Globus
Toolkit 4.0 and its use. [Citation, PDF]
- The Globus Project: A Status Report. I. Foster, C. Kesselman. Proc.
Heterogeneous Computing Workshop, pp. 4-18, 1998.
Describes the status of the Globus system as of early 1998. [Citation, PS, PDF]
- Globus: A Metacomputing
Infrastructure Toolkit. I. Foster, C. Kesselman. Intl J. Supercomputer Applications,
11(2):115-128, 1997.
Provides an overview of the Globus project and toolkit. [Citation, PS, PDF]
- Other research papers and documents are
available at Globus Web Site.
- Globus
Toolkit Version 4: Software for Service-Oriented Systems. I. Foster. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, Springer-Verlag LNCS 3779, pp 2-13, 2005.
This paper is an excellent introduction to the Globus Toolkit 4.0 and its
use. [Citation, PDF]
- Platform Computing's Community Scheduling Framework.
- Condor-G from U. of Wisconsin.
- eNANOS Grid Resource Broker.
- A general model of meta-scheduling.
- A summary on meta-schedulers.
- Evaluation of Meta-scheduler Architectures and Task
Assignment Policies for High Throughput Computing
- Optimising Static Workload Allocation in Multiclusters
- MARS: A Metascheduler for Distributed Resources in Campus
- A peer-to-peer approach to task scheduling in
computation grid Cao,
J., Kwong, O.M.K., Wang, X., Cai, W.
to HPC-2006 Presentations
Grid Workflow:
Frank Leymann;
Choreography for the Grid: towards fitting BPEL to the resource framework.
Niels Joncheere
et. al; Requirements for an Aspect Oriented Workflow system for Grid Services.
Soonwook Hwang and
Carl Kesselman. GridWorkflow: A Flexible Failure Handling Framework for the
Grid, in the Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International
Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC-12 '03), p. 126,
Matthew Shields
and Ian Taylor. Programming Scientific and Distributed Workflow with Triana
Bertram Ludaescher
Kepler; Towards a Grid-Enabled System for Scientific Workflows
Andreas Hoheisel
User Tools and Languages for Graph-based Grid Workflows
Slominski On Using BPEL Extensibility to Implement OGSI and WSRF Grid Workflows
Presenter: Onyeka
Agnostic: Simon,
Ghandeharizadeh, E. Alwagait, and S. Manjunat;
Proteus RTI: A Framework for
On-the-fly Integration of
Biomedical Web
Services. Second International Advanced
Database Conference (IADC), June 2006.
Thanh N. Truong;
"An Integrated Web-based Grid-Computing Environment for Research and
Education in Computational Science and Engineering," 37th Annual
Simulation Symposium (ANSS'04), 2004.
Wolfgang Emmerich
et. al.; Grid Service Orchestration using BPEL
Dieter Cybok; A
Grid Workflow Infrastructure
Jia Yu and
Rajkumar Buyya; A Taxonomy of Scientific Workflow Systems for Grid Computing.
Plankensteiner et. al.; Advanced Programming Models for Grid/Web: YAWL and
Andreas Duscher;
An Execution Environment for Mathematical Services based on WSRF and WS-BPEL.
Sriram Krishnan;
GSFL: An OGSA Workflow Framework
Dózsa et. al.;
P-GRADE: a graphical environment to create and execute workflows in various
Karen M. McCann
et. al.; ScyFlow: An Environment for the Visual Specification and Execution of
Scientific Workflows
Ghandeharizadeh, E. Alwagait, and S. Manjunat.
Proteus RTI: A Framework for
On-the-fly Integration of Biomedical Web Services. Second International Advanced Database
Conference (IADC), June 2006.
Proteus RTI
Demos and
Other Publications
The LEAD Project.
Grid Service
Orchestration using BPEL
A Grid Workflow
Virtual Data System:
Resource Scheduling:
4 aspects of WS-BPEL as a language for job
support of dynamicity -- Onyeka
separation of concerns -- Masoud
data flow -- Corina
semantic richness -- Liana
control pattern in workflow
evaulation of BPEL and other standards based on control pattern
paper on data pattern utilized in workflow and evaulation (section 2 as
paper on resource paterm and interaction:
papers on BPEL and grid interactions:
Presenter: Trigoso,Fernando
Agnostic: Chatterjee,Kasturi