Florida International
School of Computing and
Information Sciences
S. Masoud Sadjadi’s Home Page
Catalog Description: Study Computer network models and protocol layers. Topics include error handling, frames, broadcast
networks, channel allocation; network routing algorithms, internetworking,
TCP/IP, and ATM protocols.
4101 Structured Computer Organization or equivalent.
- Familiarity
with at least one high-level programming language (e.g., Java or C++).
Network introduction
- Network
history, network architecture
- Net-centric
computing and network based applications
Physical layer
- Transmission
- Interconnection
- Switching
Link layer
- Framing
- Error
- Channel
Network layer
- Static
and dynamic routing
- Routing
- IP
and ATM protocols
Transport layer
- Connection-oriented,
connectionless service
and UDP
- Flow
control and congestion control
Application layer
- Web
based application
FTP, SMTP protocols
- client-server
socket programming
- Network
- Domain name system
Course Outcomes:
1. Be familiar with
computer network architecture (set of layers and protocols)
2. Be exposed to data transmission - media and
local & long distance communication
3. Be exposed to packet transmission in LAN, WAN
and the associated protocols
4. Master the internetworking (TCP/IP protocols)
5. Be familiar with
static and dynamic routing
6. Be familiar with
virtual circuits and ATM protocols
7. Be familiar with
flow control and congestion control methods
8. Be exposed to computer network applications
Required Text:
- Computer Networks, 4th Edition, by Andrew S. Tanenbaum,
Prentice Hall (ISBN: 0130661023).
Other References:
- Computer Networking,
2nd Edition, Kurose and Ross, Addison Wesley (ISBN: 0201976994).
Other reading material: Class notes.
Grading Policy:
- Exam 1: 10%.
- Exam 2: 20%.
- Final Exam: 40%.
- Class Attendance and Participation: 10%.
- Term Project: 20%.
- Extra Credits: Up to +10%.
Grading Standard: The grading scale is: A: 90 | A-:87 | B+:84 | B: 80 | B-:77 | C+:74 |
C: 70 | C-:65 | D+:60 | D: 55 | D-:50.
Note that a C- is not a C.
Attendance: Attendance
may be taken during each class meeting.
Some important dates:
- February 6 Tuesday Last day to withdraw from
the University with a 25% refund of tuition.
- March 12 Monday Last day
to drop a course with a DR grade. Last day to withdraw from the University
with a WI grade.
- March 19 - 24 Spring Break.
- April 19 Thursday Classes end.
- April 20 - 21 Fri-Sat Exam Study Days (No exams
given on these days).
- April 23 - 28 Mon - Sat Official Examination
- April 30 - May 1 Mon- Tues. Commencement
- May 3 Thursday Complete grade report available
to students by web and at kiosks.
- For
more information, please consult the university calendar at: http://www.fiu.edu/~register/calendars.htm
Policy on Make-up
Examinations and Assignments: There
will be no make-up exams. All project deliverables and
assignments should be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date. The
only excuse for missing an exam is verifiable cases of illness and
emergencies and religious holy days. Please check the dates of the exams and inform
me of any conflicts with religious holy days as soon as possible.
Code of Academic Integrity:
University Policies: academic misconduct, sexual harassment, religious
holydays, and information on services for students with disabilities.
Last modified 1/9/2007