Florida International University

School of Computing and Information Sciences

Masoud Sadjadi’s Home Page


IT Automation

Week Day Topic New Assignment Assignment Due
1 22-Aug-11 Course Introduction Get familiar with Moodle  
24-Aug-11 Introduction to Virtual Labs Get familiar with Virtual Labs  
2 29-Aug-11 Agents Videos (both STV and IsTV)  
31-Aug-11 Agents Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
3 05-Sept-11 Labor Day Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
07-Sept-11 Agents Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
4 12-Sept-11 Audit Videos (both STV and IsTV) Audit Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
14-Sept-11 Audit Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
5 19-Sept-11 Remote Control Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
21-Sept-11 Remote Control Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
6 26-Sept-11 Remote Control Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
28-Sept-11 Remote Control Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
7 03-Oct-11 Monitoring Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
05-Oct-11 Monitoring Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
8 10-Oct-11 Agent Procedures Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
12-Oct-11 Agent Procedures Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
9 17-Oct-11 Ticketing Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
19-Oct-11 Ticketing Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
10 24-Oct-11 Live Connect Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
26-Oct-11 Live Connect Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
11 31-Oct-11 System Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
02-Nov-11 System Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
12 07-Nov-11 Info Center Videos (both STV and IsTV) Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
09-Nov-11 Info Center Virtual Lab & Online Quiz Videos (both STV and IsTV)
13 24-Nov-11 Term Project   Virtual Lab & Online Quiz
16-Nov-11 Term Project    
14 21-Nov-11 Term Project    
23-Nov-11 Term Project    
15 28-Nov-11 Term Project / Final Exam    
30-Nov-11 Term Project / Final Exam    
16 05-Dec-11 Term Project / Final Exam    
07-Dec-11 Term Project / Final Exam   Term Project & Final Test