Florida International University

School of Computing and Information Sciences

Masoud Sadjadi’s Home Page


IT Automation

Course Title: IT Automation

Course Description:



Course Objectives:

Course Outcomes:


Required Textbook

Other Recommended References:

Other training material:  Class notes, training videos, online documents, etc. 

Grading Policy:

Grading Standard:

Attendance: Attendance may be taken during each class meeting.

University Policies:  

The ability for a student to DROP a class—earn a DR grade with no GPA impact—has been extended through the 11th week of the semester (Fall and Spring only; Summer terms have different deadlines). Please refer to the Academic Calendar for specific dates. Students are financially liable for all dropped courses. Non-attendance or non-payment will NOT constitute a drop.

Grade Forgiveness Policy for Graduate Programs will be discontinued beginning Fall 2011

FIU’s Faculty Senate passed a resolution to discontinue the grade forgiveness policy (stated below*) for all graduate programs beginning the Fall 2011 semester. With this policy change, students may still repeat courses, but all graduate coursework, including repeats, will be calculated in the GPA. For more information, please see the University Graduate School’s announcement.