Florida International University
School of Computing and Information Sciences
Masoud Sadjadi’s Home Page
IT Automation
Spring 2011
Course Title: IT Automation
Course Description:
- IT automation: mgmt models, auditing, assets, change mgmt, network monitoring, OS imaging, patch mgmt, help desk, remote control, user state mgmt, end-point security, backup, disaster recovery.
- Good understanding of operating systems.
- Basic programming skills.
Course Objectives:
- Students learn a wide range of topics in IT management and automation and practice each and every concept in a lab setting. IT support automation tools like Kaseya IT Automation will be used to give students hands-on experience. The topics and lab exercises include but not limited to IT mgmt models, auditing, assets & change mgmt, network monitoring, OS imaging, patch mgmt, help desk, remote control, user state mgmt, end-point security, backup, and disaster recovery. Students are expected to work in teams and develop innovative scripts and procedures that promote IT automation.
Course Outcomes:
- Be familiar with IT management models and practices.
- Be familiar with IT automation software and its architecture.
- Master the IT automation concepts.
- Master an IT automation software offering (e.g., The Kaseya IT Automation).
- Master the writing IT automation scripts.
- Be familiar with working as a team member.
- IT Management Models: In-House, Out-Sourced Break-Fix, Managed Services.
- Manage Services: Development, Machine Groups, Agents, Templates, Policies.
- Automation Software: Agent-Server Architecture, Deployment, Management.
- Auditing, Assets, Change Mgmt: Knowledge Collection, Scheduling, Reporting.
- Network Monitoring: Monitor Sets, Event Sets, SNMP Sets, and Reporting.
- Patch Mgmt: Scanning, Deployment Policies, Reboot, Reporting.
- Scripting: Writing Scripts, Scheduling, Distribution, Logging, Debugging.
- Help Desk & Remote Control: Ticketing, Remote Control, Chat, Reporting.
- User State Management: User State, Preferences, Drives, Printers, Power Mgmt.
- End-Point Security: Strategies, Security Policies, Scheduling, Logs, Sig. Updates.
- Backup and Disaster Recovery: Strategies, Scheduling, Verifying, Recovery.
Required Textbook
- IT Automation and Remote Control Using Kaseya, by Sadjadi et al.
Other Recommended References:
- Provided in the class portal.
Other training material: Class notes, training videos, online documents, etc.
Grading Policy:
- Class Attendance and Participation: 120 (Only those who answer tough questions or make excellent comment, 10 points per answer/comment).
- Virtual Labs: 360 points (12 virtual labs, each has 30 points)
- Online Quizes: 120 points (12 quizes, each has 10 points)
- Term Project: 300
- Final Exam: 300
- Total: 1200
Grading Standard:
- A+: 95% (1140 points: You will get an A for this course and a Kaseya Certificate)
- A: 90% (1080 points)
- A-: 87% (1044 points)
- B+: 84% (1008 points)
- B: 80% (960 points)
- B-: 77% (924 points)
- C+: 74% (888 points)
- C: 70% (820 points)
- C-: 65% (760 points)
- D+: 60% (700 points)
- D: 55% (640 points)
- D-: 50% (580 points)
- Note that a C- is not a C.
Attendance: Attendance may be taken during each class meeting.
Important Dates:
- January 17 Monday: Last day to add courses; last day to drop courses or withdraw from the University without incurring financial liability for tuition and fees.
- March 4 Friday: Last day to drop a course with a DR grade.
University Policies:
For FIU poilicies, please visit the established policy of FIU. Please also visit the University Compliance Office’s website. This particular policy may be found at: http://policies.fiu.edu/files/736.pdf
For academic misconduct, sexual harassment, religious holydays, and information on services for students with disabilities, see :
For more information, please refer to the guidelines in the 2009-2010 Faculty Handbook (recently revised 8/6/09):
Florida International University is a community dedicated to generating and imparting knowledge through excellent teaching and research, the rigorous and respectful exchange of ideas, and community service. All students should respect the right of others to have an equitable opportunity to learn and honestly demonstrate the quality of their learning. Therefore, all students are expected to adhere to a standard of academic conduct, which demonstrates respect for themselves, their fellow students, and the educational mission of the University. All students are deemed by the University to understand that if they are found responsible for academic misconduct, they will be subject to the Academic Misconduct procedures and sanctions, as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Last modified 1/5/2011