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CDA 4610 – Operating Systems Principles (3)
Instructor: S.
Masoud Sadjadi
Catalog Description:
Operating systems design principles and implementation techniques. Address spaces, system call interface, processes / threads, interprocess communication, deadlock, scheduling, memory, virtual memory, I/O, file systems.
Course Objectives:
· Mastering the main operating systems concepts.
1. Processes
2. Threads
3. Scheduling
4. Synchronization
5. Memory management
6. File systems
7. IO systems
· Familiarity with how operating systems are built.
Familiarity with how operating systems function.
· The course will follow the text from Chapter 1 to Chapter 6.
· If time permits, Chapter 10 and 11 will also be covered.
· Important topics:
1. Processes and Threads
2. Deadlocks
3. Memory Management
4. Input/Output
5. File Systems
Other reading material:
Class notes.
Grading Standard: The grading scale is: A: 90
| A-:87 | B+:84 | B: 80 | B-:77 | C+:74 | C: 70 | C-:65 | D+:60 | D: 55 |
D-:50. Note that a C- is not a C.
Attendance: Attendance will be taken during each class meeting.
You will not receive the credit for attending a class session unless you
contribute in the ongoing discussion!
Policy on Make-up Examinations
and Assignments: There will be no exams. All deliverables
and assignments should be submitted at the beginning of class on the due date.
The only excuse for missing an exam is verifiable cases of illness and emergencies and religious holy
days. Please check the dates of the exams and inform me of any conflicts
with religious holy days as soon as possible.
Code of Academic Integrity:
University Policies: academic misconduct, sexual harassment, religious
holydays, and information on services for students with disabilities.
Last Updated: Thursday, August
10, 2006