Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.OutputComponent
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Class symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.OutputComponent


public class OutputComponent
extends Object

Variable Index

 o Component
 o InputClass
 o OutputSize
 o getMethFullName
 o getMethParam
 o getMethods
 o getMethodsParam
 o m_EmptyMeansNull
 o numberOfInvocationsForGet
 o numberOfInvocationsForSet
 o setMethFullName
 o setMethParam
 o setMethods
 o setMethodsParam

Constructor Index

 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.OutputComponent()
 o symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.OutputComponent(Object)
Creates a OutputComponent object given the output component.

Method Index

 o findMethod(String, String[])
Searches the output component for a specified method and returns it.
 o getEmptyMeansNull()
 o getGetMethods()
Returns the full name of the setting method
 o getMethodParameters(String)
 o getOutput()
Returns the output component.
 o getOutputSize()
Returns the size for the output component.
 o getPrintOut()
Returns all the data in the output component.
 o getPrintOut(int[])
Returns the data from certain columns of the output component.
 o getPrintOut(int[], int)
 o getPrintOut(int, int)
Returns data from one cell.
 o getSetMethods()
Returns the full name of the setting method
 o setEmptyMeansNull(boolean)
 o setGetMethods(String[])
Parses the name of the getting method given by the user and calls findmethod.
 o setOutput(Object)
Creates a OutputComponent object given the output component,and the access methods name.
 o setOutputSize(Dimension)
Sets the size for the output component.
 o setParameters(String[], Object, int, int)
sets the true value for passing booleans
 o setPrintOut(Object)
Updates every cell of the output component.
 o setPrintOut(Object, int, int)
Updates one cell of the output component.
 o setSetMethods(String[])
Parses the name of the setting method given by the user and calls findmethod.


 o Component
protected java.lang.Object Component
 o InputClass
public java.lang.Class InputClass
 o OutputSize
protected java.awt.Dimension OutputSize
 o getMethFullName
protected java.lang.String[] getMethFullName
 o getMethParam
protected java.lang.String[] getMethParam
 o getMethods
protected java.lang.reflect.Method[] getMethods
 o getMethodsParam
protected java.lang.String[][] getMethodsParam
 o m_EmptyMeansNull
protected boolean m_EmptyMeansNull
 o numberOfInvocationsForGet
protected int numberOfInvocationsForGet
 o numberOfInvocationsForSet
protected int numberOfInvocationsForSet
 o setMethFullName
protected java.lang.String[] setMethFullName
 o setMethParam
protected java.lang.String[] setMethParam
 o setMethods
protected java.lang.reflect.Method[] setMethods
 o setMethodsParam
protected java.lang.String[][] setMethodsParam


 o OutputComponent
public OutputComponent()
 o OutputComponent
public OutputComponent(Object component)
Creates a OutputComponent object given the output component.

component - the output component


 o findMethod
public java.lang.reflect.Method findMethod(String methodName,
                                           String[] parameters)
Searches the output component for a specified method and returns it.

methodName - actual name of the method
parameters - array containing the type of parameters. Can be: "Value","Row" and "Col"
the specified method
 o getEmptyMeansNull
protected boolean getEmptyMeansNull()
 o getGetMethods
public java.lang.String[] getGetMethods()
Returns the full name of the setting method

the full name of the getting method
 o getMethodParameters
protected java.lang.String[] getMethodParameters(String method)
 o getOutput
public java.lang.Object getOutput()
Returns the output component.

the output component.
 o getOutputSize
public java.awt.Dimension getOutputSize()
Returns the size for the output component.

the size for the output component.
 o getPrintOut
public java.lang.Object getPrintOut()
Returns all the data in the output component.

all the data in the output component.
 o getPrintOut
public java.lang.Object getPrintOut(int cols)
Returns the data from certain columns of the output component.

cols - the list of the columns concerned
 o getPrintOut
public java.lang.Object getPrintOut(int cols,
                                    int negOffset)
 o getPrintOut
public java.lang.Object getPrintOut(int Row,
                                    int Col)
Returns data from one cell.

Row - the requested row
Col - the requested column
 o getSetMethods
public java.lang.String[] getSetMethods()
Returns the full name of the setting method

the full name of the setting method
 o setEmptyMeansNull
protected void setEmptyMeansNull(boolean emptyMeansNull)
 o setGetMethods
public boolean setGetMethods(String[] methods)
Parses the name of the getting method given by the user and calls findmethod. Sets the getting method for the component.

method - full method name ie:"getText(Row,Col)"
true if the method found and is set
 o setOutput
public void setOutput(Object component)
Creates a OutputComponent object given the output component,and the access methods name.

component - the output component
setMethName - method for setting
getmethName - method for getting
 o setOutputSize
public void setOutputSize(Dimension size)
Sets the size for the output component.

size - the new size
 o setParameters
protected java.lang.Object[] setParameters(String[] MethParam,
                                           Object Value,
                                           int row,
                                           int col)
sets the true value for passing booleans

Value - the value as a String
 o setPrintOut
public void setPrintOut(Object Value)
Updates every cell of the output component.

Value - the new value
 o setPrintOut
public synchronized void setPrintOut(Object Value,
                                     int Row,
                                     int Col)
Updates one cell of the output component.

Value - the new value
Row - the desired row
Col - the desired column
 o setSetMethods
public boolean setSetMethods(String[] methods)
Parses the name of the setting method given by the user and calls findmethod. Sets the setting method for the component.

method - full method name ie:"setText(Value)"
true if the method found and is set

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