Interface symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.event.TransactionEventListener
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Interface symantec.itools.db.beans.binding.event.TransactionEventListener

public interface TransactionEventListener
extends EventListener

Method Index

 o onAfterTransactionBegin(TransactionEvent)
This method will be fired after a transaction begin was performed on the database.
 o onAfterTransactionCommit(TransactionEvent)
This method will be fired before a transaction commit was performed on the database.
 o onAfterTransactionRollback(TransactionEvent)
This method will be fired before a transaction rollback was performed on the database.
 o onBeforeTransactionBegin(TransactionEvent)
This method will be fired before a transaction begin is performed on the database.
 o onBeforeTransactionCommit(TransactionEvent)
This method will be fired before a transaction commit is performed on the database.
 o onBeforeTransactionRollback(TransactionEvent)
This method will be fired before a transaction rollback is performed on the database.


 o onAfterTransactionBegin
public abstract void onAfterTransactionBegin(TransactionEvent e)
This method will be fired after a transaction begin was performed on the database.

 o onAfterTransactionCommit
public abstract void onAfterTransactionCommit(TransactionEvent e)
This method will be fired before a transaction commit was performed on the database.

 o onAfterTransactionRollback
public abstract void onAfterTransactionRollback(TransactionEvent e)
This method will be fired before a transaction rollback was performed on the database.

 o onBeforeTransactionBegin
public abstract void onBeforeTransactionBegin(TransactionEvent e)
This method will be fired before a transaction begin is performed on the database.

 o onBeforeTransactionCommit
public abstract void onBeforeTransactionCommit(TransactionEvent e)
This method will be fired before a transaction commit is performed on the database.

 o onBeforeTransactionRollback
public abstract void onBeforeTransactionRollback(TransactionEvent e)
This method will be fired before a transaction rollback is performed on the database.

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