Class symantec.itools.util.ZOrderUtils
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Class symantec.itools.util.ZOrderUtils
- public final class ZOrderUtils
- extends Object
Determines the order components are drawn: first-to-last or last-to-first.
assumeZOrder(Container, boolean)
- Reverses the order of all components in a container if the current environment
doesn't draw them as assumed.
- Determines if the first component is drawn over the second componnet.
- Determines if the second component is drawn over the first componnet.
- Reverses the order of all components in a container.
public static boolean assumeZOrder(Container container,
boolean assumedFirstDrawnOverSecond)
- Reverses the order of all components in a container if the current environment
doesn't draw them as assumed.
- Parameters:
- container - the container with the components to reverse, as needed
- assumedFirstDrawnOverSecond - the assumed drawing order. If the actual
drawing order matches this, then no component reversal is needed
public static boolean isFirstDrawnOverSecond()
- Determines if the first component is drawn over the second componnet.
public static boolean isSecondDrawnOverFirst()
- Determines if the second component is drawn over the first componnet.
public static void reverseContainersZOrder(Container container)
- Reverses the order of all components in a container.
- Parameters:
- container - the container with the components to reverse
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