// BinaryNode class; stores a node in a tree. // // CONSTRUCTION: with (a) no parameters, or (b) an Object, // or (c) an Object, left child, and right child. // // *******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS********************** // int size( ) --> Return size of subtree at node // int height( ) --> Return height of subtree at node // void printPostOrder( ) --> Print a postorder tree traversal // void printInOrder( ) --> Print an inorder tree traversal // void printPreOrder( ) --> Print a preorder tree traversal // BinaryNode duplicate( )--> Return a duplicate tree /** * Binary node class with recursive routines to * compute size and height. */ final class BinaryNode { public BinaryNode( ) { this( null, null, null ); } public BinaryNode( Object theElement, BinaryNode lt, BinaryNode rt ) { element = theElement; left = lt; right = rt; } /** * Return the size of the binary tree rooted at t. */ public static int size( BinaryNode t ) { if( t == null ) return 0; else return 1 + size( t.left ) + size( t.right ); } /** * Return the height of the binary tree rooted at t. */ public static int height( BinaryNode t ) { if( t == null ) return -1; else return 1 + Math.max( height( t.left ), height( t.right ) ); } // Print tree rooted at current node using preorder traversal. public void printPreOrder( ) { System.out.println( element ); // Node if( left != null ) left.printPreOrder( ); // Left if( right != null ) right.printPreOrder( ); // Right } // Print tree rooted at current node using postorder traversal. public void printPostOrder( ) { if( left != null ) left.printPostOrder( ); // Left if( right != null ) right.printPostOrder( ); // Right System.out.println( element ); // Node } // Print tree rooted at current node using inorder traversal. public void printInOrder( ) { if( left != null ) left.printInOrder( ); // Left System.out.println( element ); // Node if( right != null ) right.printInOrder( ); // Right } /** * Return a reference to a node that is the root of a * duplicate of the binary tree rooted at the current node. */ public BinaryNode duplicate( ) { BinaryNode root = new BinaryNode( element, null, null ); if( left != null ) // If there's a left subtree root.left = left.duplicate( ); // Duplicate; attach if( right != null ) // If there's a right subtree root.right = right.duplicate( ); // Duplicate; attach return root; // Return resulting tree } public Object getElement( ) { return element; } public BinaryNode getLeft( ) { return left; } public BinaryNode getRight( ) { return right; } public void setElement( Object x ) { element = x; } public void setLeft( BinaryNode t ) { left = t; } public void setRight( BinaryNode t ) { right = t; } private Object element; private BinaryNode left; private BinaryNode right; }