package weiss.util; /** * PriorityQueue class implemented via the binary heap. */ public class PriorityQueue extends AbstractCollection implements Queue { /** * Construct an empty PriorityQueue. */ public PriorityQueue( ) { currentSize = 0; cmp = null; array = (AnyType[]) new Object[ DEFAULT_CAPACITY + 1 ]; } /** * Construct an empty PriorityQueue with a specified comparator. */ public PriorityQueue( Comparator c ) { currentSize = 0; cmp = c; array = (AnyType[]) new Object[ DEFAULT_CAPACITY + 1 ]; } /** * Construct a PriorityQueue from another Collection. */ public PriorityQueue( Collection coll ) { cmp = null; currentSize = coll.size( ); array = (AnyType[]) new Object[ ( currentSize + 2 ) * 11 / 10 ]; int i = 1; for( AnyType item : coll ) array[ i++ ] = item; buildHeap( ); } /** * Compares lhs and rhs using comparator if * provided by cmp, or the default comparator. */ private int compare( AnyType lhs, AnyType rhs ) { if( cmp == null ) return ((Comparable)lhs).compareTo( rhs ); else return lhs, rhs ); } /** * Adds an item to this PriorityQueue. * @param x any object. * @return true. */ public boolean add( AnyType x ) { if( currentSize + 1 == array.length ) doubleArray( ); // Percolate up int hole = ++currentSize; array[ 0 ] = x; for( ; compare( x, array[ hole / 2 ] ) < 0; hole /= 2 ) array[ hole ] = array[ hole / 2 ]; array[ hole ] = x; return true; } /** * Returns the number of items in this PriorityQueue. * @return the number of items in this PriorityQueue. */ public int size( ) { return currentSize; } /** * Make this PriorityQueue empty. */ public void clear( ) { currentSize = 0; } /** * Returns an iterator over the elements in this PriorityQueue. * The iterator does not view the elements in any particular order. */ public Iterator iterator( ) { return new Iterator( ) { int current = 0; public boolean hasNext( ) { return current != size( ); } public AnyType next( ) { if( hasNext( ) ) return array[ ++current ]; else throw new NoSuchElementException( ); } public void remove( ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( ); } }; } /** * Returns the smallest item in the priority queue. * @return the smallest item. * @throws NoSuchElementException if empty. */ public AnyType element( ) { if( isEmpty( ) ) throw new NoSuchElementException( ); return array[ 1 ]; } /** * Removes the smallest item in the priority queue. * @return the smallest item. * @throws NoSuchElementException if empty. */ public AnyType remove( ) { AnyType minItem = element( ); array[ 1 ] = array[ currentSize-- ]; percolateDown( 1 ); return minItem; } /** * Establish heap order property from an arbitrary * arrangement of items. Runs in linear time. */ private void buildHeap( ) { for( int i = currentSize / 2; i > 0; i-- ) percolateDown( i ); } private static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100; private int currentSize; // Number of elements in heap private AnyType [ ] array; // The heap array private Comparator cmp; /** * Internal method to percolate down in the heap. * @param hole the index at which the percolate begins. */ private void percolateDown( int hole ) { int child; AnyType tmp = array[ hole ]; for( ; hole * 2 <= currentSize; hole = child ) { child = hole * 2; if( child != currentSize && compare( array[ child + 1 ], array[ child ] ) < 0 ) child++; if( compare( array[ child ], tmp ) < 0 ) array[ hole ] = array[ child ]; else break; } array[ hole ] = tmp; } /** * Internal method to extend array. */ private void doubleArray( ) { AnyType [ ] newArray; newArray = (AnyType []) new Object[ array.length * 2 ]; for( int i = 0; i < array.length; i++ ) newArray[ i ] = array[ i ]; array = newArray; } }