package weiss.util; // Random class // // CONSTRUCTION: with (a) no initializer or (b) an integer // that specifies the initial state of the generator. // This random number generator is really only 31 bits, // so it is weaker than the one in java.util. // // ******************PUBLIC OPERATIONS********************* // Return a random number according to some distribution: // int nextInt( ) --> Uniform, [1 to 2^31-1] // int nextDouble( ) --> Uniform, (0 to 1) // int nextInt( int high ) --> Uniform [0..high) // int nextInt( int low, int high ) --> Uniform [low..high] // long nextLong( ) --> Uniform [1 to 2^62-1] // long nextLong( long low, long high ) --> Uniform [low..high] // int nextPoisson( double expectedVal ) --> Poisson // double nextNegExp( double expectedVal ) --> Negative exponential // void permute( Object [ ] a ) --> Randomly permutate /** * Random number class, using a 31-bit * linear congruential generator. * @author Mark Allen Weiss */ public class Random { private static final int A = 48271; private static final int M = 2147483647; private static final int Q = M / A; private static final int R = M % A; /** * Construct this Random object with * initial state obtained from system clock. */ public Random( ) { this( (int) ( System.currentTimeMillis( ) % Integer.MAX_VALUE ) ); } /** * Construct this Random object with * specified initial state. * @param initialValue the initial state. */ public Random( int initialValue ) { if( initialValue < 0 ) initialValue += M; state = initialValue; if( state <= 0 ) state = 1; } /** * Return a pseudorandom int, and change the * internal state. * @return the pseudorandom int. */ public int nextInt( ) { int tmpState = A * ( state % Q ) - R * ( state / Q ); if( tmpState >= 0 ) state = tmpState; else state = tmpState + M; return state; } /** * Return a pseudorandom int in range [0..high), * and change the internal state. * @return the pseudorandom int. */ public int nextInt( int high ) { return (int) ( nextLong( ) % high ); } /** * Return a pseudorandom int, and change the * internal state. DOES NOT WORK. * @return the pseudorandom int. */ public int nextIntWRONG( ) { return state = ( A * state ) % M; } /** * Return a pseudorandom double in the open range 0..1 * and change the internal state. * @return the pseudorandom double. */ public double nextDouble( ) { return (double) nextInt( ) / M; } /** * Return an int in the closed range [low,high], and * change the internal state. * @param low the minimum value returned. * @param high the maximum value returned. * @return the pseudorandom int. */ public int nextInt( int low, int high ) { double partitionSize = (double) M / ( high - low + 1 ); return (int) ( nextInt( ) / partitionSize ) + low; } /** * Return a long in the range [0, 2^62-1], and * change the internal state. * @return the pseudorandom long. */ public long nextLong( ) { return ( (long) nextInt( ) << 31 ) + nextInt( ); } /** * Return a long in the closed range [low,high], and * change the internal state. * @param low the minimum value returned. * @param high the maximum value returned. * @return the pseudorandom long. */ public long nextLong( long low, long high ) { long longVal = ( (long) nextInt( ) << 31 ) + nextInt( ); long longM = ( (long) M << 31 ) + M; double partitionSize = (double) longM / ( high - low + 1 ); return (long) ( longVal / partitionSize ) + low; } /** * Return an int using a Poisson distribution, and * change the internal state. * @param expectedValue the mean of the distribution. * @return the pseudorandom int. */ public int nextPoisson( double expectedValue ) { double limit = -expectedValue; double product = Math.log( nextDouble( ) ); int count; for( count = 0; product > limit; count++ ) product += Math.log( nextDouble( ) ); return count; } /** * Return a double using a negative exponential * distribution, and change the internal state. * @param expectedValue the mean of the distribution. * @return the pseudorandom double. */ public double nextNegExp( double expectedValue ) { return - expectedValue * Math.log( nextDouble( ) ); } /** * Method to swap to elements in an array. * @param a an array of objects. * @param index1 the index of the first object. * @param index2 the index of the second object. */ private static final void swapReferences( AnyType [ ] a, int index1, int index2 ) { AnyType tmp = a[ index1 ]; a[ index1 ] = a[ index2 ]; a[ index2 ] = tmp; } /** * Randomly rearrange an array. * The random numbers used depend on the time and day. * @param a the array. */ public static final void permute( AnyType [ ] a ) { Random r = new Random( ); for( int j = 1; j < a.length; j++ ) swapReferences( a, j, r.nextInt( 0, j ) ); } private int state; // Test program public static void main( String [ ] args ) { Random r = new Random( ); for( int i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) System.out.println( r.nextInt( ) ); int [ ] dist = new int[ 10000 ]; final int SAMPLES = 1000000; for( int i = 0; i < SAMPLES; i++ ) dist[ r.nextPoisson( 2 ) ]++; for( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) System.out.println( i + ": " + dist[ i ] / (double) SAMPLES ); } }