TCN-6270 - Spring 2018

Lectures Tuesdays 7:50pm - 10:30pm GL 139
Instructor Alex Afanasyev (aa at
Office hours Tuesdays 5:30pm - 7:30pm, ECS 261B (or appointment by email)
Midterm Mar 20, 2018
Homework 1 due: Jan 16, 2018
Homework 2 due: Jan 23, 2018
Homework 3 due: Feb 13, 2018
Homework 4 due: Feb 20, 2018
Homework 5 due: Feb 27, 2018
Homework 6 due: Mar 6, 2018
Homework 7 due: Apr 3, 2018
Homework 8 due: Apr 17, 2018
Project paper
Topics due: Jan 30, 2018
References due: Feb 6, 2018
Outline due: Mar 13, 2018
Final draft due: Apr 10, 2018

Course Information

This course covers networking topics, including in-depth study of networking protocols and system designs, with specific focus on mobile and wireless scenarios and applications. The main objective of this course is to introduce a wide range of current and next-generation wireless networking protocols and technologies. The course focuses on the most widely used mobile and wireless network standards including cellular (LTE), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. During the course, students will learn the specific mechanisms of different network architectures and tools used to analyze network performance. Given wireless and mobile networking is a very dynamic and constantly changing area, the course will cover emerging research advances in the areas of 5G, Internet-of-Things, LTE-direct, and other work from recent conferences in the field.

A big part of the course is experience with NS-3 simulator to run evaluations of mobile and wireless networks in different modes.

Class Calendar