How To Tutorial

Assignment: Each student must prepare a "how to" tutorial about a critical technology, describing its characteristics and how to use it. The minimum page requirement is 6 pages (single-spaced, 1-pot font, no more than 1 inch margins) and the tutorial will be graded in two stages: a draft and a final version. Examples of such technologies include:
  • Radio technologies: Zigbee, Bluetooth, GPRS, etc.
  • Localization technologies: GPS, WiFi-based, ultrasound-based, radio-based, etc.
  • Sensors: video, sound, all kinds of physical parameters, etc.
  • Input devices: gesture-based, touch-based, etc.
  • Output devices
  • Wearable technology
  • RFID readers/scanners
For example, a how to tutorial on a gesture-based input device such as the Gesture Pendant would describe details of the architecture such as design choices, etc., (this can often be found in data sheets, approx. 2 pages), details about how this device would be used (what kind of gestures can be interpreted, how does the software use this information, etc., approx. 2 pages), and real-world usage scenarios, shortcomings, ongoing work, etc. (approx. 2 pages). You can use pictures and tables, but they should not be more than 1/4 of the document.

How To Proposal: The survey proposal should be 1 paragraph describing briefly what topic you have chosen.

Submission: The how to tutorial will be graded in two stages, a draft will be due November 23 and the final version will be due December 7th. Both draft and final version must be placed on the wiki (in either pdf, ps, or doc format) to allow other students to access, read, and review them. The tutorial will be graded according to thoroughness and scope of tutorial, choice of topic (e.g., it is preferred that you choose technologies not - or only briefly - covered in class).