Course Schedule

Week Date Topic Readings Slides Assignments
1 8/26 Introduction Lecture 1
8/28 History and Visions "The Computer for the 21st Century"
"Synthetic Serendipity"
"Mike Villas's World"
Lecture 2 Questions
2 8/31 Challenges: Overview "Beyond Prototypes: Challenges..." Lecture 3
9/2 Challenges: Resources "Disappearing Hardware" Lecture 4 Questions
9/4 iPhone Development Tutorial Tutorial
3 9/7 Networking Basics "Bluetooth: Vision, Goals, and Architecture" Lecture 5 Questions
9/11 Networking Basics "An Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless LANs" Lecture 6 Mini-Project 1
4 9/14 Location, Location, Location "Location-Aware Computing Comes of Age" Lecture 7
9/16 Location Awareness "Place Lab Initiative" Lecture 8 Questions
5 9/21 Context Awareness "Out of Context: Computer Systems That Adapt..." Lecture 9 Questions
Grad Proposal Due
9/23 Context Awareness "WhereWare" Lecture 10
9/25 Mini-Project 2
6 9/28 Mini-Project 2 Demos
9/30 Input/Output Technologies Lecture 11
7 10/5 Sensors "Making Sense of Sensing Systems" Lecture 12 Questions
10/7 iPhone Development Tutorial #2 Survey Proposal
8 10/12 Sensor Networks Lecture 13 Project Proposal
10/14 RFID Lecture 14 Mini-Project 3 (due on the 15th)
9 Mid-term Break
10 10/26 Wearable Computing Lecture 15
10/28 Wearable Computing "Wearables (Part 1)"
"Wearables (Part 2)"
11 11/2 Distributed Systems Challenges Lecture 16 "How To" Proposal
11/4 Smart Homes Lecture 17
12 11/9 Smart Homes "At Home with Ubiquitous Computing..." Lecture 18
11/11 Smart Homes Lecture 19
11/13 Project Presentations
13 11/16 Security and Privacy Lecture 20 Survey Draft
11/18 Security and Privacy "Ethics of GPS Tracking" Lecture 21
14 11/23 Security and Privacy
11/25 NO LECTURE (Thanksgiving)
15 11/30 Case Studies Lecture 22 "How To" Draft
12/2 Extended TA Office Hours (DARTS Lab) Survey Due
16 12/7 Review, Outlook
12/9 Final Project Presentations "How To" Due