CIS-6612: Autonomic
Grid Computing
Instructor Information
S. Masoud Sadjadi
· Office: ECS 212 C
· Office Hours: M/W 15:30 – 18:00 or by appointment
· Phone: (305)348-1835
· Email:
· URL:
Class Information
· Location: ECS 235
· Lecture Times: M/W 1825-1740
· Syllabus
Course Information
Catalog Description: This course
introduces Autonomic Computing, Grid Computing, and their relationship with
each other by reviewing research papers in the literature.
This course is mainly a reading course where you get the opportunity to read, review, and discuss many of the best papers in both grid and autonomic computing. By closely studying the literature on these two separately originated topics, you will understand why recently they have received so much attention. In brief, grid computing takes advantage of the unused cycles of our computers to solve large computational problems, autonomic computing attempts to use these unused cycles to automatically respond to changes in the execution environment with the least human intervention.
Although the discussions in the class will be widely open, the main theme and the focus of the discussions will be on the invention of a new programming paradigm to facilitate the transparent gridification of existing scientific applications so that the gridification process (i.e., modifying the code to become grid aware, deploying the grid-aware code to the corresponding grid infrastructure, and autonomic scheduling and resource management) is transparent to the original application code, as well as to the application developers.
make this course more practical, we will learn to play with some of the
autonomic computing tools such as those provided by Transparent Shaping and
grid computing toolkits such as Globus Toolkit 4. Our school's impressive
facility donated by IBM both for the LA Grid project and for the Autonomic
Computing Research Laboratory will be available to the students to get some
hands-on experience in these two related areas.