Xuyu Wang
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Dr. Xuyu Wang is an Assistant Professor in the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. Before joining FIU, he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at California State University, Sacramento. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Auburn University in 2018. His research interests include trustworthy AI, generative AI, wireless sensing, Internet of Things, smart health, wireless localization, wireless networks, quantum machine learning, and IoT security. He received the NSF CRII Award in 2021. He was a co-recipient of the ACM FAcct 2023 Best Paper Award, the 2022 Best Journal Paper Award of IEEE ComSoc eHealth Technical Committee, the IEEE INFOCOM 2022 Best Demo Award, the IEEE ICC 2022 Best Paper Award, the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society 2020 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award, the IEEE GLOBECOM 2019 Best Paper Award, the IEEE ComSoc MMTC Best Journal Paper Award in 2018, the IEEE PIMRC 2017 Best Student Paper Award, and the IEEE SECON 2017 Best Demo Award. He was invited to organize AI health tutorials at CVPR 2020, ICC 2022, CVPR 2022, CVPR 2023 and CVPR 2024, a special session at IEEE BHI 2021, and give a keynote speech at CVPM 2020. He is an editor of Elsevier Book titled "Contactless Vital Signs Monitoring". He is also an associate editor of Elsevier Digital Communications and Networks, and a guest editor of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks. He is also a co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2023/2024/2025 Workshop on Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (DeepWireless), a TPC co-chair of IEEE ICC/GLOBECOM 2024-2025 Workshop on Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Wireless Security, a symposium co-chair of AI and Machine Learning for Communications and Networking (AMCN) in ICNC 2025, a tutorials co-chair of IEEE CCNC 2024, a workshop co-chair of IEEE Healthcom 2024, a publicity co-chair of IEEE/ACM CHASE 2023, and a co-chair of IEEE/ACM CHASE 2025 Workshop on Generative AI for Smart and Connected Health: Innovations, Challenges, and Applications.
I am looking for highly self-motivated graduate students (PhD students and Master students) and undergraduate students who are interested in (i)trustworthy AI (e.g., robustness, privacy, explainability, fairness, and generalization), generative AI, LLM, federated learning, edge AI, and multimodal AI in wireless, smart health, digital twins, HCI, drone, LEO satellite, and other IoT systems; (ii)AI-driven next-generation wireless and sensing systems by using SDR devices (e.g., USRP), RFID, mmWave, Wi-Fi, FPGA, or PCB hardware; (iii)AI-driven IoT security and privacy in device fingerprinting, wireless sensing/localization, LEO satellite, smart speaker, autonomous car/drone/robot, and AR/VR/MR in 2025-2030 year. If you are interested, please send me an email with your CV and transcripts.
2024.12 Our two trustworthy AI-driven wireless system papers will appear in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2025, London, UK in May 2025. The title of the first paper is "Protocol-agnostic and Data-free Backdoor Attacks on Pre-trained Models in RF Fingerprinting", and the title of the second paper is "Privacy-Preserving Wi-Fi Data Generation via Differential Privacy in Diffusion Models". Acceptance rate: 272/1458=18.6%. Congratulations, my third-year PhD student, Tianya Zhao and second-year PhD student, Ningning Wang.
2024.11 I am invited to serve as a co-chair of IEEE/ACM CHASE 2025 Workshop on Generative AI for Smart and Connected Health: Innovations, Challenges, and Applications, Manhattan, New York City, June 2025. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.11 I am invited to serve as a co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2025 Workshop on Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (DeepWireless), London, United Kingdom, May 2025. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.11 Ph.D. student, Yiting Wang, will join FIU AIoT Lab in Spring 2025. She received her M.S. from the University of Southern California.
2024.11 Master student, Rohan Kumar, joined FIU AIoT Lab in Fall 2024. He will work on generative AI-driven mmWave sensing under the support by NSF CNS grant.
2024.11 Our personalized federated learning paper titled “SARS: A Personalized Federated Learning Framework Towards Fairness and Robustness against Backdoor Attacks,” will appear in ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT), Vol. 8, No. 4, Article 140. Publication date: December 2024.
2024.11 Our robust federated learning paper titled “FedCAP: Robust Federated Learning via Customized Aggregation and Personalization,” will appear in ACSAC '24: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC). Acceptance rate: 83/421=19.7%.
2024.10 Our RF fingerprinting security paper titled “Explanation-Guided Backdoor Attacks Against Model-Agnostic RF Fingerprinting Systems,” will appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024.
2024.10 I am selected in the 2024 Stanford's list of World Top 2% scientists.
2024.10 Our high accuracy deep ensembles paper titled "Effective Diversity Optimizations for High Accuracy Deep Ensembles,” will appear in Proc. IEEE CogMI 2024, Washington D.C., USA, Oct. 2024.
2024.10 Our cybersecurity market paper titled "Pricing Strategies in Cybersecurity Markets with Network Effects,” will appear in Proc. IEEE CCNC 2025 (Work in Progress/Special Session), Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2025.
2024.09 Jason Jiang and Jacob Van (two undergraduate students from FIU) join in FIU AIoT Lab. Jason Jiang is conducting research on WiFi CSI and BFI sensing, while Jacob Van is working on RF fingeprinting with SDR devices. They are supported by NSF CNS grants.
2024.09 I am invited to serve as a TPC co-chair of IEEE ICC 2025 Workshop on Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Wireless Security, Montreal QC Canada, June. 2025. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.09 Our federated RF fingerprinting paper titled “Federated Radio Frequency Fingerprint Identification Powered by Unsupervised Contrastive Learning,” will appear in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2024.
2024.09 Our cross-domain UAV fingerprinting paper titled "Few-shot Learning and Data Augmentation for Cross-Domain UAV Fingerprinting,” will appear in ACM Workshop on Machine Learning for NextG Networks 2024 Washington, DC, USA, Nov 18, 2024,in conjunction with ACM Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom) 2024.
2024.09 Our Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for IoT security paper titled "ContrastMask: A Novel Perturbation-Based Method for Explaining Network Intrusion Detection,” will appear in Proc. IEEE Healthcom 2024, Nara, Japan, Nov. 2024.
2024.08 Our project "Collaborative Research: NSF-MeitY: CNS Core: Small: Learning-Assisted Integrated Sensing, Communication and Security for 6G UAV Networks" is funded by NSF. Dr. Xuyu Wang is PI of the NSF award and the project is awarded with $300,000 over three years at FIU. The other PI: Dr. Shiwen Mao at Auburn University. The total amount of the grant is $600,000.
2024.08 Our 5G large-scale cellular localization paper titled “Real-world Large-scale Cellular Localization for Pickup Position Recommendation at Black-hole,” will appear in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024.
2024.08 Our quantum machine learning for IoT sensing paper titled "Multi-Positive Sample Quantum Contrastive Learning for Human Activity Recognition,” will appear in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2024, Cape Town, South Africa, Dec. 2024.
2024.08 Ph.D. student, Jingzhou Shen, joined FIU AIoT Lab in Fall 2024. He received his M.S. from the George Washington University.
2024.07 I am hosting an NSF Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) workshop at FIU from July 1 to July 8. The workshop will involve 13 K-12 teachers and 8 REU students, featuring 7 talks and one wireless spectrum project.
2024.07 Our game theory based inter-temporal reward strategies paper titled “Inter-Temporal Reward Strategies in the Presence of Strategic Ethical Hackers,” will appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2024.
2024.06 I am invited to serve as a TPC co-chair of IEEE GLOBECOM 2024 Workshop on Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Wireless Security, Cape Town, South Africa in Dec. 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.06 I am invited to serve as a TPC of INFOCOM 2025. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.06 I am invited to serve as a TPC of ICPADS'24. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.06 I am invited to serve as a TPC of AAAI 2025. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.06 I co-orgnized a tutorial at CVPR 2024 on June 18 about "Contactless AI Healthcare using Cameras and Wireless Sensors" and gave a talk about "Wireless-based Vital Sign Monitoring and Activity Monitoring".
2024.06 I served as a co-chair for the IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop on Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Wireless Security in Denver, Colorado, USA on June 9, 2024.
2024.06 Jason Jiang (an undergraduate student from FIU) has an in-person REU internship at FIU AIoT Lab in Summer 2024. He is conducting research on WiFi CSI and BFI sensing, supported by NSF REU Site program.
2024.06 I am invited to serve as a DOE panelist.
2024.05 Our TrustLLM paper titled “TrustLLM: Trustworthiness in Large Language Models," will appear in the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2024), Vienna, Austria, July, 2024.
2024.05 Our RFID-based health monitoring paper titled "ECG-grained Cardiac Monitoring Using RFID,” will appear in Proc. IEEE ICCCN 2024, Big Island, Hawaii, July 2024.
2024.04 Our RFID sensing paper titled “TagSense: Robust Wheat Moisture and Temperature Sensing Using RFID,” will appear in IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, April 2024.
2024.04 I am invited to serve as a symposium co-chair of AI and Machine Learning for Communications and Networking (AMCN) in ICNC 2025. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.04 Our federated learning paper titled "On the Efficiency of Privacy Attacks in Federated Learning,” will appear in Proc. 2024 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops - FedVision, Seattle WA, June 2024.
2024.03 Our AIGC for LEO Satellite Device Security paper titled "AI Generated Wireless Data for Enhanced Satellite Device Fingerprinting,” will appear in Proc. IEEE ICC 2024 workshop, Denver, CO, June 2024.
2024.02 I am invited to serve as a NSF CPS panelist.
2024.02 Daniel McDuff at Google Research, Wenjin Wang at Southern University of Science and Technology, and I will co-organize a tutorial at CVPR 2024 from June 17-21 about "Contactless AI Healthcare using Cameras and Wireless Sensors".
2024.02 Our LEO Satellite Device Security paper titled "Backdoor Attacks Against Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Fingerprinting,” will appear in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2024 workshop, Vancouver, Canada, May 2024.
2024.02 Our smart speaker for health monitoring paper titled "APC: Contactless Healthy Sitting Posture Monitoring with Microphone Array,” will appear in IEEE/ACM CHASE 2024, Wilmington, DE, June, 2024. The paper will be published in Elsevier Smart Health Journal 2024.
2024.02 I am invited to serve as a Tutorials Co-Chair of IEEE CCNC 2024. Please consider submitting your papers and tutorial proposals.
2024.02 Yanelli Gloria (an undergraduate student from UCSC) has a remote internship at FIU AIoT Lab in Spring 2024. She is conducting research on the application of Large Language Models (LLM) in IoT sensing, supported by the CASHI Spring 2024 program.
2024.01 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE MASS 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2024.01 Our TrustLLM paper titled “TrustLLM: Trustworthiness in Large Language Models” is available, which is a comprehensive study of trustworthiness in LLMs, including principles for different dimensions of trustworthiness, established benchmark, evaluation, and analysis of trustworthiness for mainstream LLMs, and discussion of open challenges and future directions. Our dataset, code, and toolkit are available at "https://github.com/HowieHwong/TrustLLM" and the leaderboard is released at "https://trustllmbenchmark.github.io/TrustLLM-Website/".
2024.01 Our functional data analysis assisted wireless sensing paper titled “Functional Data Analysis Assisted Cross-Domain Wi-Fi Sensing Using Few-Shot Learning,” will appear in Proc. IEEE ICC 2024, Denver, CO, June 2024.
2023.12 Our two deep learning-driven RF fingerprinting papers will appear in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2024, Vancouver, Canada in May 2024. The title of the first paper is "Explanation-Guided Backdoor Attacks on Model-Agnostic RF Fingerprinting", and the title of the second paper is "Cross-domain, Scalable, and Interpretable RF Device Fingerprinting". Acceptance rate: 256/1307=19.6%. Congratulations, my second-year PhD student, Tianya Zhao!
2023.12 I am invited to serve as a Workshop Chair of IEEE Healthcom 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.12 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE ICCCN 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.12 Our RFID sensing paper titled “Contactless wheat foreign material monitoring and localization with passive RFID tag arrays,” will appear in Elsevier Computer Communications, Feb. 2024.
2023.12 I am invited to serve as a judge for Fall 2023 KFSCIS Capstone Showcase on Dec.1, 2023.
2023.10 I am selected in the 2023 Stanford's list of World Top 2% scientists.
2023.10 I am invited to serve as a co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2024 Workshop on Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (DeepWireless), Vancouver, Canada in May 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.09 Our LLM fine-tuning paper titled “Rethinking Learning Rate Tuning in the Era of Large Language Models,” will appear in IEEE CogMI 2023 Vision Track.
2023.09 I am invited to serve as a session chair for "Cyber-Physical Systems" in IEEE CNS 2023 at Orlando. I will present our ethical hackers paper.
2023.09 I am invited to serve as a TPC co-chair of IEEE ICC 2024 Workshop on Machine Learning and Deep Learning for Wireless Security, Denver, Colorado USA in June 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.09 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning for Communication and Networking (ICMLCN) 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.08 Our project "Collaborative Research: SCH: AI-driven RFID Sensing for Smart Health Applications" is funded by NSF. Dr. Xuyu Wang is PI of the NSF award and the project is awarded with $300,000 over four years at FIU. The other PIs: Dr. Shiwen Mao at Auburn University, Harrison Bai at John Hopkins University, and Zhicheng Jiao at Rhode Island Hospital/Brown University. The total amount of the grant is nearly $1.2M.
2023.08 Our project "Collaborative Research: IMR: MM-1A: Functional Data Analysis-aided Learning Methods for Robust Wireless Measurements" is funded by NSF. Dr. Xuyu Wang is PI of the NSF award and the project is awarded with $200,000 over three years at FIU. The other PIs: Dr. Shiwen Mao and Dr. Guanqun Cao at Auburn University. The total amount of the grant is nearly $600,000.
2023.08 Our large-scale cellular (4G/5G) localization paper titled “Experience: Large-scale Cellular Localization for Pickup Position Recommendation at Black-hole,” will appear in Proc. ACM MobiCom 2023, Madrid, Spain, Oct. 2023. Acceptance rate: 92/377=24.4%.
2023.08 Our strategic ethical hackers paper titled “Inter-temporal Reward Decisions with Strategic Ethical Hackers,” will appear in Proc. IEEE CNS 2023, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2023. Acceptance rate: 32/112=28.6%. I will present this paper at Orlando.
2023.08 Our quantum machine learning for wireless sensing paper titled “Classical to quantum transfer learning framework for wireless sensing under domain shift,” will appear in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.
2023.08 Our backdoor attacks for wireless localization paper titled “Backdoor attacks against deep learning-based massive MIMO localization,” will appear in Proc. IEEE GLOBECOM 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2023.
2023.07 Our imbalanced classifcation for wireless sensing paper titled “TFSemantic: A time-frequency semantic GAN framework for imbalanced classification using radio signals,” will appear in ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, 2023.
2023.07 Our NSF project "Collaborative Research: CNS Core: Medium: Data Augmentation and Adaptive Learning for Next Generation Wireless Spectrum Systems” is successfully transferred to FIU. Dr. Xuyu Wang is PI of the NSF award and the project is awarded with $334,769.00 at FIU.
2023.07 Our NSF project "CRII: CNS: RUI: Exploiting Robust Deep Learning Framework for Wireless Localization Systems in Adversarial IoT Environments” is successfully transferred to FIU. Dr. Xuyu Wang is PI of the NSF award and the project is awarded with $174,999.00, where $109,324.00 is funded at FIU.
2023.07 I am invited to serve as a TPC of AAAI 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.07 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE ICC 2024. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.07 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE MSN 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.07 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE Healthcom 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.06 Our acoustic sensing paper titled “MAA: Modulation-adaptive acoustic gesture recognition,” will appear in Proc. IEEE MASS 2023, Toronto, Canada, Sept. 2023.
2023.06 Tianya and I attended IEEE/ACM CHASE 2023 at Orlando. I served as a session chair for "Sensing for Smart Health", and Tianya presented our acoustic-based health monitoring paper.
2023.06 Our fairness learning paper titled " Preventing Discriminatory Decision-making in Evolving Data Stream" will appear in Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAccT), Chicago, USA, 2023. The paper has been selected as an ACM FAcct 2023 Best Paper Award.
2023.06 Our RFID sensing paper titled “Foreign material detection and localization in stored grain with passive RFID tag arrays,” will appear in Proc. IEEE RFID-TA 2023, Special Session on “Next-generation RFID systems empowered by location awareness,” Aveiro, Portugal, Sept. 2023.
2022.05 Ph.D. student, Ningning Wang, will join FIU AIoT Lab in Fall 2023. He received his M.S. and B.S. from Southern University of Science and Technology.
2023.05 My PhD student, Tianya Zhao, received NSF Student Travel Grant for IEEE/ACM CHASE 2023. Congratulations!
2023.05 I am invited to serve as a judge and a mentor at “TechTogether's Miami Chapter" that will host a city's first in-person hackathon from May 5th-6th, 2023.
2023.05 I am invited to attend NSF Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) workshop at Temple University from June 8 to June 12 and give a talk titled “Introduction to Learning-based RF Fingerprinting” and provide a hands-on wireless spectrum project for REU students.
2022.04 Daniel McDuff at Google Research, Wenjin Wang at Southern University of Science and Technology, Jun Luo at Nanyang Technological University, and I will co-organize a tutorial at CVPR 2023 from June 18-19 about “Contactless Healthcare using Cameras and Wireless Sensors”.
2023.03 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE GLOBECOM 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.03 Our project "NSF REU SITE: ASSET: Advanced Secured Sensor Enabling Technologies" is funded by NSF CNS (PI: Niki Pissinou, $405,000.00, 03/1/2023-2/28/2026), where I will be as Senior Personnel to mentor undergraduate students working on "Robust and Secure Wireless Sensing Systems for Human Activity Recognition".
2023.02 Our acoustic sensing for smart health paper titled “Respiratory Biofeedback Using Acoustic Sensing with Smartphones,” will appear in IEEE/ACM CHASE 2023, Orlando, June, 2023. The paper will be published in Elsevier Smart Health Journal 2023. (Acceptance rate: 23/103=22%).
2023.02 Our WiFi sensing for smart farming paper titled “WiWm-EP: Wi-Fi CSI-based Wheat Moisture Detection Using Equivalent Permittivity,” will appear in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2023 workshop, New York area, May 2023.
2023.02 Our WiFi sensing security poster titled “Adversarial Attack and Defense for WiFi-based Apnea Detection System,” will appear in Proc. IEEE INFOCOM 2023, New York area, May 2023.
2023.01 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE MASS 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.01 I am invited to serve as a TPC of IEEE ICCCN 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2023.01 Our personalized federated learning paper titled “Hierarchical Clustering-based Personalized Federated Learning for Robust and Fair Human Activity Recognition,” will appear in ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies ( IMWUT), Vol. 7, No. 1, pp 1–38, Article 20, March 2023.
2023.01 I am invited to serve as a Publicity Chair of IEEE Healthcom 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2022.12 Our IEEE JSAC paper titled "Respiration monitoring with RFID in driving environments" has been selected as the 2022 Best Journal Paper Award of IEEE ComSoc eHealth Technical Committee.
2022.11 I am invited to serve as a co-chair of IEEE INFOCOM 2023 Workshop on Deep Learning for Wireless Communications, Sensing, and Security (DeepWireless), New York Area, May 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2022.10 I am invited to serve as a TPC for IEEE ICC 2023 (Symposia: Cognitive Radio & AI-enabled Networks, and Machine Learning for Communications and Networking). Please consider submitting your papers.
2022.10 I am invited to serve as a judge of Poster/Demo Session for Undergraduates (REU) program in Networking and Systems 2022 in Denver.
2022.10 I am invited to serve as a TPC for Device-free Wireless Sensing Systems Workshop in WoWMoM'23. Please consider submitting your papers.
2022.10 Our RF fingerprinting poster titled “Poster Abstract: Cross-Domain Adaptation for RF Fingerprinting Using Prototypical Networks,” will appear in Proc. ACM SenSys 2022, Boston, Nov. 2022.
2022.10 I am invited to serve as a Session Chair of IEEE MASS 2022 in Denver. Also, I will present our IEEE MASS paper about WiFi CSI-based water-injected pork detection.
2022.10 I am selected in the 2022 Stanford's list of World Top 2% scientists.
2022.09 I am invited to serve as a Publicity Chair of IEEE/ACM CHASE 2023. Please consider submitting your papers.
2022.08 Our unsupervised federated learning for IoT security paper titled “Deep IoT Monitoring: Filtering IoT Traffic Using Deep Learning,” was accepted in Proceedings of 3rd International Silicon Valley Cybersecurity Conference 2022 (SVCC 2022). I presented this paper virtually.
2022.08 Our NSF Broadening Participation in Computing (BPC) proposal was awarded as the supplement of our CNS Core Medium project ($54,823.00). We will host three workshops at Temple University, Florida International University, and Auburn University in 2023 summer, 2024 summer, and 2025 summer, respectively.
2022.08 Our WiFi CSI-based water-injected pork detection paper titled “WiPd: Contactless water-injected pork detection using commodity WiFi devices,” will appear in Proc. IEEE MASS 2022, Denver, CO, Oct. 2022.
2022.08 I am invited to serve as a Guest Editor of ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Special Issue on Contact-free Smart Sensing in AIoT. Please consider submitting your papers.
2022.08 Ph.D. student, Tianya Zhao, joined FIU AIoT Lab in Fall 2022. He received his M.S. from Carnegie Mellon University.
2022.05 Our demo titled "Demo Abstract: Environment-adaptive 3D human pose tracking with RFID" has been selected as an IEEE INFOCOM 2022 Best Demo Award.
2022.05 I am invited to become a panelist of ACM WiseML 2022. The panel discussion is about "Long Term Prospects for Deep Learning Methods in Wireless Security".
2022.05 Our domain-adaptation based contactless HCI paper titled "TARF: Technology-agnostic RF sensing for human activity recognition,” will appear in IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Special Issue on Cognitive Cyber-Physical Systems with AI based Solutions in Medical Informatics.
2022.05 Our RFID sensing paper for smart farming titled "TagSense: Robust wheat moisture and temperature sensing using a passive RFID tag" has been selected as an IEEE ICC 2022 Best Paper Award. Also, I presented this paper virtually.
2022.04 I am invited to serve as TPC for IEEE MASS 2022 and IEEE GLOBECOM 2022. Please consider submitting your papers.
2022.03 Our microphone array-based indoor localization paper titled “Voice fingerprinting for indoor localization with a single microphone array and deep learning,” will appear in Proc. the Fourth ACM Wireless Security and Machine Learning Workshop (WiseML'22).
2022.03 Our overview paper about 3GPP 5G NR localization standards titled “An overview of 3GPP positioning standards,” will appear in ACM GetMobile, 2022.
2022.02 Our adversarial deep learning for Wi-Fi CSI-based localization paper titled “Adversarial Deep Learning for Indoor Localization,” will appear in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
2022.02 Two IEEE INFOCOM 2022 demos are accepted. The first demo is about "Demo Abstract: Environment-adaptive 3D human pose tracking with RFID". The second demo is about "Demo Abstract: Technology-agnostic approach to RF based human activity recognition".
2022.02 I will co-organize a tutorial at CVPR 2022 about “Contactless health monitoring using cameras and wireless signals”.
2022.01 I will co-organize a tutorial at IEEE ICC 2022 about “Contactless health monitoring using wireless signals and cameras”.
2022.01 Two IEEE ICC 2022 papers are accepted. The title of the first paper is "Robust massive MIMO localization using neural ODE in adversarial environments". The title of the second paper is "TagSense: Robust wheat moisture and temperature sensing using a passive RFID tag".
2022.01 Our meta-learning based 3D human pose estimation paper titled "Environment adaptive RFID based 3D human pose tracking with a meta-learning approach,” will appear in IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, Special Issue on Wireless Motion Capture and Fine-Scale Localization.
2022.01 Our RFID localization paper titled “RFID tag localization with a sparse tag array,” will appear in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Special Issue on Knowledge and Service Oriented Industrial Internet of Things: Architectures, Challenges and Methodologies.
2022.01 Our WiFi-based wheat moisture sensing paper titled "Wi-Wheat+: Contact-free wheat moisture sensing with commodity WiFi based on entropy" will appear in Elsevier/KeAi Digital Communications and Networks.
2022.01 Our WiFi-based wheat mildew detection paper titled "Contract-free wheat mildew detection using commodity WiFi,” will appear in Elsevier/KeAi International Journal of Cognitive Computing in Engineering.