Grid Virtual File System
GVFS (originally named PVFS) is a virtualized distributed file
system for providing high-performance data access in grid environments
and seamless integration with unmodified applications. It leverages
existing NFS (Network File System) support in operating systems,
and uses user-level proxies to authenticate and forward RPC (Remote
Procedure Call) requests between the native NFS client and server,
and map user identities between different domains. GVFS helps users
to access Grid data the same way as using NFS in LAN. It is also
an important component of In-VIGO
virtualization middleware for computational Grids. |
M. Zhao and R. J. Figueiredo, "A User-level Secure Grid File System," Proceedings of International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC07), November 2007.
Ming Zhao, Jian Zhang and Renato J. Figueiredo,
"Distributed File System Virtualization Techniques Supporting On-Demand Virtual Machine Environments for Grid Computing",
In Journal of Cluster Computing, Volume 9, Number 1, January 2006, Pages: 45 - 56.
Ming Zhao and Renato J. Figueiredo, "Application-Tailored Cache Consistency for Wide-Area File Systems",
In Proceedings of The 26th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2006), July 2006.
Ming Zhao, Vineet Chadha and Renato J. Figueiredo
"Supporting Application-Tailored Grid File System Sessions
with WSRF-Based Services", In Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC'05), pages: 24- 33, July 2005.
Ming Zhao, Jian Zhang and Renato J. Figueiredo
"Distributed File System Support for Virtual Machines in Grid Computing", In Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC'04), pages: 202-211, June 2004.
Jithendar Paladugula, Ming Zhao and Renato J. Figueiredo,
"Support for Data-Intensive, Variable-Granularity Grid Applications via Distributed
File System Virtualization - A Case Study of Light Scattering Spectroscopy",
In Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Challenges of Large Applications in Distributed Environments (CLADE/2004), pages: 12-21, June 2004.
R. J. Figueiredo, N. Kapadia, J. A. B. Fortes,
"Seamless Access to Decentralized Storage Services in Computational Grids via a Virtual File System",
In Journal of Cluster Computing Journal, 7(2), April 2004, p113-122.
R. J. Figueiredo, N. H. Kapadia, J. A. B. Fortes,
"Towards Coordinated Work on the Grid: Data Sharing Through Virtual File Systems",
In Mini-Workshop on Internet Process Coordination and Ubiquitous Computing, December 2001.
R. J. Figueiredo, N. H. Kapadia, J. A. B. Fortes,
"The PUNCH Virtual File System: Seamless Access to Decentralized Storage Services in a Computational Grid",
In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC'01), August 2001.
N. H. Kapadia, R. J. Figueiredo, J. A. B. Fortes,
"Enhancing the Scalability and Usability of Computational Grids via Logical User Accounts and Virtual File Systems",
In Proceedings of the Heterogeneous Computing Workshop (HCW), April 2001.
Effort sponsored by the National Science Foundation under grants EIA-0224442, ACI-0219925,
EEC-0228390 and NSF Middleware Initiative (NMI) grants ANI-0301108 and SCI-0438246. The authors
also acknowledge a gift from VMware Inc. and SUR grants from IBM. Any opinions, findings and
conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the views of NSF, IBM, or VMware.