1. Where do folks in south Florida go to get ingredients?
BrewBox Miami has moved to the Falls area; visit your local homebrew shop!
There is a store (BX Beer Deopt) in Lake Worth, but it is a good 90 minutes away.
For hard-to-find items, most of our local brewers stick with mail order. Many have had good luck with Heart's Homebrew in Orlando. They have a web site at http://www.heartshomebrew.com . We usually receive orders that we place from them the next day by regular UPS. We also use the big national stores for things that Heart's doesn't carry: Beer, Beer, and More Beer, William's, Norther Brewer, etc... Check our Sponsors page!
2. How do I build a "Perfect 68" fermentation cooler?
See here for instructions on how to build for Joe Berrymans "Perfect 68" cooler.
Maintained by Eric Johnson & Scott Graham Last modified
March 20, 2011.
Area Society of Homebrewers