
Who We Are


Coconut Cup

BOTY and Other Competitions







The following are the books that MASH presently holds.
Title Author Year Description
Bock (Classic Beer Style Series: 9) Richman, Darryl 1994 All about Bock
Brewing Beers Like Those You Buy Line, Dave 1978 Recipes for clones of commercial beers available in the UK during the late 70’s
Continental Pilsener (Classic Beer Styles Series: 2) Miller, Dave 1990 All about Continental Pilsener
Dave Miller’s Homebrewing Guide Miller, Dave 1995 A book that covers beginning to advanced topics. More technical than Papazian
Designing Great Beers : The Ultimate Guide to Brewing Classic Beer Styles Daniels, Ray 1996 Title speaks volumes
Michael Jackson’s Beer Companion Jackson, Michael 1993 Nice coffee table book. "The World’s great beer styles, gastronomy, and traditions."
Oktoberfest, Vienna, Märzen (Classic Beer Styles: 4) Fix, George and Laurie 1992 All about Oktoberfest, etc.
On To Mashing, Revised Edition Romanowski, Frank 1993 A very brief introduction to all-grain brewing
Porter (Classic Beer Styles Series: 5) Foster, Terry 1992 All about Porter
Scotch Ale (Classic Beer Style Series: 8) Noonan, Gregory J. 1993 All about Scotch Ale
Stout (Classic Beer Style Series: 10) Lewis, Michael J. 1996 All about Stout
Travels with Barley Wells, Ken 2004 A Journey through American Beer Culture. (Generously dontated by MASH Member Eric Johson.)
Yeast Culturing for the Homebrewer Leistad, Rog 1983 "This book tells and shows you step by step how you can use and maintain yeast cultures, practically and conveniently"

Thanks to loyal MASH member Scott Ross, MASH also has a bunch of magazines. Scott donated the following magazines to the club:

Page maintained by Eric Johnson, last update 01-15-2005