Dr. Rishe has worked for many years in the fields of databases and software engineering. He has developed a novel methodology for the design of database applications. His work on that methodology and on the Semantic Binary Model of databases was published as a book by Prentice-Hall in 1988. Rishe's Semantic Modeling theory was published as a book by McGraw-Hill in 1992. Rishe is Editor of three books and Author of many research papers. Dr. Rishe has been awarded about $4.5M in research grants by government agencies, such as NASA ($3.8 million), NATO, BMDO, DoD, DoI, FHTIC, NAFSA, and industry. Dr. Rishe also has extensive experience in database applications and database systems in the industry. This included eight years of employment as head of software and database projects (1976-84) and later consulting to DBMS developers (e.g. Hewlett-Packard), telephone companies, and government agencies.
Since Rishe completed his Ph.D. at Tel Aviv University in 1984 he worked as an assistant professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara (1984-1987), and associate professor (1987-1992) and professor (1992-) at FIU. Rishe chaired the program and steering committees of the PARBASE-90 conference and is on the steering committee of the PDIS conference series.
Books Authored
1. N. Rishe. Database Design: The Semantic Modeling Approach. McGraw-Hill, 1992, 528 pp. ISBN 0-07-052955-8.
2. N. Rishe. Database Design Fundamentals: A Structured Introduction to Databases and a Structured Database Design Methodology. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988. 436 pp. (Also printed as International Edition. Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 1988. 432 pp. ISBN 0-13-197476-9.)
Books Edited
3. N. Rishe, S. Navathe and D. Tal (eds.) Databases: Theory, Design and Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991, 296 pp.
4. N. Rishe, S. Navathe and D. Tal (eds.) Parallel Architectures. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991, 306 pp.
Conference Proceedings Edited
5. N. Rishe, S. Navathe and D. Tal (eds.) Databases and Parallel Architectures. Proceedings of the PARBASE-90: International Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures, and their Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990. 584 pp.
Book Chapters
6. D. Tal, N. Rishe, S. Navathe, and S. Graham. ``On Parallel Architectures.'' In: Parallel Architectures. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991 (Editors: N. Rishe, S. Navathe and D. Tal) pp. 1-17.
7. N. Rishe and W. Sun. ``A Predicate Calculus Language for Queries and Transactions in Semantic Databases.'' In: Databases: Theory, Design and Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991 (N. Rishe, S. Navathe, and D. Tal, eds.) pp. 204-221.
Journals and Series
8. N. Rishe, ``A Universal Model for Non-procedural Database Languages,'' Fundamenta Informaticae, in press (1995).
9. N. Rishe. ``A Methodology and Tool for Top-down Relational Database Design.'' Data and Knowledge Engineering, 10 (1993) 259-291.
10. Q. Li and N. Rishe. ``A transputer T9000 family based architecture for parallel database machines,'' ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 21, 5, 1993, 55-67. (Refereed for and appeared also in the proceedings of IPPS-93 - Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel Computer Systems.)
11. Q. Li and N. Rishe. ``CONNECT - an Architecture for a Highly Parallel System Based on Building Blocks.'' Microprocessors and Microsystems, 16, 2 (1992), pp. 67-79.
12. N. Rishe. ``Interval-based approach to lexicographic representation and compression of numeric data.'' Data and Knowledge Engineering, 8, 4 (1992), pp. 339-351.
13. N. Rishe. ``A File Structure for Semantic Databases.'' Information Systems, 16, 4 (1991), pp. 375-385.
14. N. Rishe. ``Semantic Binary Database Model.'' Hong Kong Computer Journal, 6, 11 (1990), pp. 30-34.
15. Q. Li, N. Rishe, and D. Tal. ``RISC Processors in a Massively Parallel Database Machine.'' Microprocessors and Microsystems, 14, 6 (1990): 351-356.
16. N. Rishe, M. Lipkind. "Modeling of Virus Interrelationships for Computer Analysis of Inhibition Data." Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 13, 1 (1990) 39-48.
17. N. Rishe, D. Tal, and Q. Li. ``Architecture for a Massively Parallel Database Machine'' Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 25 (1989) 33-38.
18. N. Rishe. ``Efficient Organization of Semantic Databases'' Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms. (FODO-89) W. Litwin and H.-J. Schek, eds. Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 367, pp. 114-127, 1989.
19. M. Lipkind and N. Rishe. "Antigenic Relationships between Avian Paramyxoviruses. III. A Mathematical Model of Antigenic Drift and a Computer-assisted Approach for Construction of a Phylogenetic Tree." Archives of Virology, 103: 83-98 (Dec. 1988.)
20. M. Lipkind and N. Rishe. "Mathematical Modeling Approach for Revealing Phylogenetic Relationships between Antigenically Related Avian Paramyxoviruses (PMV)." Virus Research, 2: 46, 1988.
21. M. Lipkind, N. Rishe. "Comparison of Two Alternative Mathematical Models of Antigenic Kinship Between Avian Paramyxoviruses," Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 44: 138, 1988.
22. N. Rishe. "On Representation of Medical Knowledge by a Binary Data Model." Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 8 (1987), pp. 623-626.
23. N. Rishe, M. Lipkind. "A Mathematical Model of Antigenic Kinship of Viruses." Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 8 (1987), pp. 592-596.
24. N. Rishe, M. Hanani. "A Method of Matching Data." Journal of Mathematical and Computer Modelling, vol. 8 (1987), pp. 172-174.
25. N. Rishe, M. Lipkind. "Antigenic relationships between avian paramyxoviruses. II. A Combinatorial Mathematical Model of Antigenic Kinship." Archives of Virology, vol. 92 (1987), pp. 243-253.
26. N. Rishe. "Postconditional Semantics of Data Base Queries." Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 239 (Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics. A. Melton, ed.), Springer-Verlag, 1986, pp. 275-295.
27. N. Rishe. "On Denotational Semantics of Data Bases." Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 239 (Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, ed. A. Melton), pp 249-274. Springer-Verlag, 1986.
28. M. Lipkind, N. Rishe. "Quantitative Characteristics of Antigenic Relationship Between Avian Paramyxoviruses," Israel Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 42, 1: 61, 1986.
29. Sh. Lavi, Sh. Steinmetz, N. Rishe. "Perspectives of Office Automation" (in Hebrew). Journal of Communication and Electronics (Kesher weElektronika), March 1984, pp 268-270.
Keynote and Invited Papers
30. Naphtali Rishe, Wei Sun, David Barton, Yi Deng, Cyril Orji, Michael Alexopoulos, Leonardo Loureiro, Carlos Ordonez, Mario Sanchez, Artyom Shaposhnikov. ``Florida International University High Performance Database Research Center.'' SIGMOD Record, 24 (1995), 3, pp. 71-76.
31. N. Rishe. ``Managing Network Resources for Efficient, Reliable Information Systems,'' panel position paper, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems (Austin, Texas, September 28-30, 1994), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994, pp. 223-226.
32. N. Rishe. ``Semantic Database Management: From Microcomputers to Massively Parallel Database Machines.'' Keynote Paper, Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Microcomputer and Microprocessor Applications, Budapest, October 17-19, 1989, pp 1-12.
33. N. Rishe. "The Expressiveness of Logic-based Database Query Languages." Proceedings of Database Theory Workshop XP7.52. Austin, Texas, August 13-15, ed. Hank Korth, 1986, pp. Rishe/1-28)
Conference Proceedings
34. Shigang Chen, Yi Deng, Wei Sun and Naphtali Rishe, ``Efficient Algorithms for Detection and Resolution of Distributed Deadlocks.'' Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Systems, San Antonio, TX, 10/25-28/95. Accepted.
35. Ya Xu, Cyril Orji, Yi Deng and Naphtali Rishe. ``An Architecture for Operating System Support of Distributed Multimedia Systems'', Proceedings of the First Intl. Conference on Multimedia DBMS, (New York, August 1995), accepted.
36. M. Sanchez, D. Barton, N. Rishe. ``Application of a High Performance Semantic Database to GIS Data Requirements'' Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Louisiana Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems Workshop (Lafayette, LA, April 18-20, 1995, accepted.
37. N. Rishe and Q. Li. ``Storage of Spatial Data in Semantic Databases.'' Proceeding of the Fourteenth ASME Int'l Conference on Computers in Engineering (Minneapolis, MN, September 11-14, 1994), 8pp.
38. N. Rishe, A. Shaposhnikov, and W. Sun. ``Load Balancing Policy in Massively Parallel Semantic Databases'' Proceedings of the First International Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1994, pp. 328-333.
39. N.Rishe and W.Sun. ``A pipeline CASE tool for database design.'' Proceedings of SEKE'94: Sixth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pp. 336-343. KSI, 1994.
40. Guo, S., Sun, W., Rishe, N., and Deng, Y. ``Semantic query optimization by class reference reduction in object-oriented data bases.'' Proceedings of SEKE'94: Sixth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, pp. 306-313. KSI, 1994.
41. S. Guo, W. Sun, W. Li, N. Rishe, Y. Deng Q. Liu, W. Zhang. ``MSQL: An SQL-based Relational Database Extension to Support Multimedia Data'' Proceedings of the 5th International Hong Kong Computer Society Database Workshop, February 25-26, 1994, pp. 202- 213.
42. W. Sun, Y. Ling, N. Rishe, and Y. Deng. ``An instant and accurate size estimation method for joins and selections in a retrieval-intensive environment.'' Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD 1993, May 1993, Washington D.C., pp. 79-88.
43. Q. Li and N. Rishe. ``A transputer T9000 family based architecture for parallel database machines,'' Proceedings of IPPS-93 - Workshop on Input/Output in Parallel Computer Systems (April 13, 1993, Newport Beach, CA), pp. 121-133.
44. N. Rishe and Q. Li. ``Application of Semantic Data Modeling to Environmental Engineering.'' Proceeding of the Third ASME Int'l Conference on Computers in Engineering (San Diego, CA, August 8-12, 1993), pp. 701-709.
45. W. Sun, N. Rishe, Y. Ding, W. Meng, and C. Liu. ``Query optimization using semantic integrity constraints in an object- oriented database system.'' 1991 IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics (Charlottesville, VA, October 1991), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1991, pp. 1657-1662.
46. Wei Sun and Naphtali Rishe. ``Machine Learning in Acquiring Constraints in Relational Database Systems.'' Proceedings of FLAIRS-91 - The Fourth Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Symposium, Cocoa Beach, April 2-5, 1991, ed. M.B. Fishman. pp. 145-149.
47. N. Rishe, Q. Li. ``A Proof of Impossibility of Deadlock in a Fixed-routing Hypercube Network.'' Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers, Monterey, Calif., (March 6-8, 1989.) Sandia National Labs, 1990. pp. 339-342.
48. Q. Li, N. Rishe. ``A Hypercube Control Network for a Circuit- Switching Interprocessor Network.'' Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Hypercube Concurrent Computers, Monterey, Calif., (March 6-8, 1989.) Sandia National Labs, 1990. pp. 151-154.
49. William B. Feild Jr., Jainendra K. Navlakha and Naphtali Rishe. ``A Semantic Binary Connectionist Network: Hybrid Expert System Knowledge Base Design.'' In: Expert Systems: Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference on Expert Systems, Long Beach, CA, December 14-16, 1989. ) Ed. M.H. Hamza. Acta Press, 1990, pp. 36-39.
50. Qiang Li, Wang Ling and Naphtali Rishe. ``Three-Node Grouping Problem in the Hypercube Networks'' ISMM International Conference on Intelligent Distributed Processing, Fort Lauderdale, FL, December 13- 15, 1989. In: R. Ammar, ed. Intelligent Distributed Processing, Acta Press, 1990, pp. 27-30.
51. S. Graham and N. Rishe. ``An Implementation of Conservative Two-Phase-Locking for Parallel Semantic Database Machines.'' ISMM International Conference on Intelligent Distributed Processing, Fort Lauderdale, FL, December 13-15, 1989. In: R. Ammar, ed. Intelligent Distributed Processing, Acta Press, 1990, pp. 98-101.
52. Ragae Ghaly and Naphtali Rishe. ``A recoverable and concurrent locking algorithm for a parallel semantic binary database machine with inverted replication.'' ISMM International Conference on Intelligent Distributed Processing, Fort Lauderdale, FL, December 13-15, 1989. In: R. Ammar, ed. Intelligent Distributed Processing, Acta Press, 1990, pp. 102-106.
53. N. Rishe. ``A Predicate-calculus Based Language for Semantic Databases.'' In: Databases and Parallel Architectures. Proceedings of the PARBASE-90: International Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures, and their Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990, pp. 424-429.
54. G. Schaps, N. Rishe. ``Structured Evaluation of Database Management Systems.'' In: Databases and Parallel Architectures. Proceedings of the PARBASE-90: International Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures, and their Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990, pp. 441-446.
55. J. Addess, E. Gudes, N.Rishe, and D.Tal. ``Performance Evaluation of a New Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithm.'' In: Databases and Parallel Architectures. Proceedings of the PARBASE-90: International Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures, and their Applications. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1990, pp. 522-525.
56. N. Rishe. ``Lexicographic Encoding of Numeric Data Fields.'' Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Computer Arithmetic. (ARITH-9, Santa Monica, CA, September 6-8, 1989.) Eds. Milos D. Ercegovac and Earl Swartzlander. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1989, pp. 241-246.
57. Q. Li, D. Barton, and N. Rishe. ``A Linear Equation Solution Algorithm on a Coarse-grained Parallel System'', Proceedings of The Third Parallel Processing Symposium, Fullerton, CA, March 29-31, 1989. Ed. L.H. Canter. IEEE, 1989. pp. 360-368.
58. N. Rishe. ``A Semantic Database Management System.'' Proceedings of the Innovation-89 Conference, Fort Lauderdale, FL, April 6-7, 1989.
59. N. Rishe, D. Tal and Q. Li. "A Sequenced Hypercube Topology for a Massively-parallel Database Computer." Proceedings of The 2nd Symposium on Frontiers of Massively-parallel Computation. (October 10-12, 1988, GMU, Fairfax, VA.) Ed. R. Mills. IEEE Computer Society Press, 1989, pp. 521-524.
60. Ragae Ghaly, Wang Ling, Naphtali Rishe, Doron Tal. ``Knowledge Representation of Dynamic Features in the Semantic Binary Data Model.'' In: Expert Systems: Theory and Applications (Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference on Expert Systems, Long Beach, CA, December 14-16, 1989.) Ed. M.H. Hamza. Acta Press, 1989. pp. 80-84.
61. Q. Li and N. Rishe ``A Hybrid of Packet-switched and Circuit- switched Networks.'' In: Mini and Microcomputers: From Micros to Supercomputers (Proceedings of the ISMM International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers, Miami Beach, December 14-16, 1988; Editor M.H. Hamza.) Acta Press, 1988, pp. 363-366.
62. N. Rishe and Q. Li. ``Deadlock Elimination in Networks with Hamiltonian Circle.'' In: Mini and Microcomputers: From Micros to Supercomputers (Proceedings of the ISMM International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers, Miami Beach, December 14-16, 1988; Editor M.H. Hamza.) Acta Press, 1988, pp. 282-285.
63. N. Rishe. ``Transaction-Management System in a Fourth-Generation Language for Semantic Databases.'' In: Mini and Microcomputers: From Micros to Supercomputers (Proceedings of the ISMM International Conference on Mini and Microcomputers, Miami Beach, December 14-16, 1988; M.H. Hamza, ed.), Acta Press, 1988, pp. 92-95.
64. N. Rishe. "A Compact Monotonic Universal Encoding of Numbers." Proceedings of the 26-th ACM SERC, Mobile, Ala. April 20-22, 1988. Eds. J.H. Cross and E.E. Ellis. ACM, 1988. pp 364-368.
65. D.Tal, N. Rishe, D. Barton and N. Prabhakaran "High-throughput Highly-parallel Database System." Proceedings of the 26-th ACM SERC, Mobile, Ala. April 20-22, 1988. Eds. J.H. Cross and E.E. Ellis. ACM, 1988. pp 682-686.
66. M. Hanani, N. Rishe, Y. Shokhat, A. Amit. "A System of Information Approximation" (in Hebrew). Proceedings of the Congress of Israel Information Processing Association, Jerusalem, 1982, pp 63-72.