Resources and References

Tips for the projects

If you get "the programmer is not responding" when working with the motes, please do the following (if you use the usb-serial cable, you must do the first three steps; if you use the serial cable, VM can be open while you are doing the first three steps):
  • unplug the power from the programming board
  • turn both the programming board and the micaz off
  • plug the power cord backe into the programming board (check if the green light comes on)
  • connect the serial port (at the right bottom corner of the VM), click "setting", choose "connect on power" if not selected, and choose or input the device name as "/dev/ttyS0"
  • remember to use "make micaz install mib520,/dev/ttyS0" and that there is no space between the digit 0, the comma, and the slash symbol.
  • if you encounter the problem again, please repeat the above steps, the devices and the tools are not perfect and it may happen a couple of times

To compile the java application on your own machine (it's already set up on the DARTS lab machines), do the following:
  • download and install the JAVA 1.5 SDK into the VM
  • include the current directory into the CLASSPATH: export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:.
  • check the java tool you are using by typing: which javac, which java, javac -version, java -version, if it shows 1.5.x, then you're ok
  • rebuild /opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar using the command: make tinyos.jar
  • then go /opt/tinyos-2.1.0/apps/test/TestSerial, run make micaz, make micaz install mib520,/dev/ttyS0, and java TestSerial -comm serial@/dev/ttyS0:micaz and you should see the messages coming from/to the base station