Recently covered links and exam links are highlighted.
<a href="">Existent File</a>
<a href="">Non-Existent File</a>
, using the
header. The web server only has to be able to
return one file, but it must be an actual file. If the browser already has the
file, only send the appropriate HTTP response to indicate that the browser
already has the file. Request a port
for your web server, so we can minimize the chance of students using the same port.chmod 701 ~
Video | Notes |
HTML basics | web-basics |
Hypertext links and query string | web-basics (slide 13) |
Ajax and jQuery | web_ajax |
Video | Notes |
Intro to Link Layer | ch5_5-1 |
Error Checking | ch5-5_2 |
Multple Access Protocols | ch5-5_3 |
CSMA, CSMA/CD, Taking Turns, DOCSIS | ch5-5_3 (slide 13) |
MAC addresses and ARP | ch5-5_4 |
Video | Notes |
CDMA | ch6 |
WiFi Access | ch6 (slide 8) |
Mobility | ch6_6_4_to_6_5 (slide 15) |
Video | Notes |
6/12: VoIP | ch7-7_1-7_3 (slide 28)/a> |
Video | Notes |
6/12: Netwrok Management | ch9 |
6/12: ASN.1 | ch9 (slide 13) |
folder from your ocelot account.
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