Course Schedule

This is the preliminary schedule for this course. Assignment dates and topics covered are subject to change, depending on the needs and interests of the class.
Week Date Topic Notes
1 Jan. 19 Introduction
Jan. 21 Project Introduction
2 Jan. 24 Project Management /Android Intro Project bids due
Jan. 26 Projects Assignment Project assignments
Jan. 28 iOS Intro. iOS Tutorial source code
3 Jan. 31 Application Components / Lifecycle(pdf)
Feb. 02 Application Components / Lifecycle Proposal due
Feb. 04
4 Feb. 07 Design Fundamentals Final proposal due
Feb. 09 Design Fundamentals
Feb. 11
5 Feb. 14 User Interface Project design due
Feb. 16 User Interface
6 Feb. 21 Persistent Data(pdf) Android preferences demo source code
Feb. 23 Core Data(pdf) Core Data demo source code

Android SQL demo source code
7 Feb. 28 NO CLASS
Mar. 02 Windows Phone Development
Mar. 04 Intellectual Property
8 Mar. 07 Threads and Processes(pdf)
Mar. 09 iOS Threads and Processes(pdf) Topic assignments due
9 Spring Break
10 Mar. 21 Sensors/Location(pdf) Topic proposals due
Mar. 23 Sensors/Location(pdf) Android source code (sensor)(Map)
11 Mar. 28 Mobile Game Development(pdf)
Mar. 30 Core Location/MapKit iOS source code (sensor)(Map)
12 Apr. 04 Topic Presentations
Apr. 06 Topic Presentations
13 Apr. 11 Topic Presentations
Apr. 13 Topic Presentations
14 Apr. 18 Topic Presentations
Apr. 20 Topic Presentations
15 Apr. 25 Easter Holiday
Apr. 27 Topic Presentations
16 May 02 Extended office hours in Fitz 355s
May 04 Fitz 356a 8:00-10:25 Final Presentations

Team Meetings

Date Time Group
Feb. 9th, 16th; March 2nd, 9th, 30th; April 6th, 20th;

April 27th if needed

12:45pm Chris, Zack and Matthew K. ("Graffiti")
1:00pm Alex C. and Brian ("Adult Exam")
1:15pm David, Colton and Brian ("Rehab")
1:30pm Joey ("EMR")
1:45pm James ("Meditation")
2:00pm Evan, Stephen and Ryan ("Communicator")
2:15pm Matthew S. ("MedAlert")
2:30pm Wei and Michael M. ("Mood")
2:45pm Connor and Stephen ("Friend Finder")
3:00pm Brad ("Physics")
3:15pm Kathryn and Jacob ("KidExam")
Feb. 23th; March 23th; April 13th;

May 5th if needed

11:00am Ryan and Nate ("Twext")
11:15am Matthew P. ("iMarkIt")
11:30am Jay ("iFace")
11:45am Michael A., Peter and Patrick ("VisualData")
12:00pm Jim ("VeriLock")
12:15pm Alex Z. ("Panda")